iPod Phone + iPod Smartphone, @ Macworld?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I've been thinking, I was watching the latest episode of "Ahead of the Curve" Video Podcast tonight (dull I know, but I keep coming back for more.. note:it's not on iTS yet I must have got it early, 4th Jan it's dated). It was about phones and smartphones, and it just dawned on me.. if Apple is going to bother releasing an 'iPod Phone®' at or close to Macworld I think it would make sense for them to release the also rumored 'iPod Smartphone®' (if it was ready) at the same event.

People who don't want the music player can get the Smartphone, and people who don't want or can't afford the Smartphone can get the more budget music phone. This would not only make great sense as in Apple coming in to the cellphone market blazing.. sha..BoooooommM, but it would also give you 'the feeling of choice', which I think would make people more likely to buy one of the devices. If they just released the music phone, you would either buy it or you wouldn't, but if they released both devices at the same time you might feel compelled to buy one of them.

"Are you a Phone guy or Smartphone guy?" Steve might say.

It would feel like less of an impulse and more of a "it's my choice to make.. yeah I'm a Smartphone guy!". Whereas if they released just the music phone, and then a few months later the Smartphone, sure it would be cool and all, but it would be more of an "eh.. ok, Apple just brought out a phone, will I buy it or wont I buy it" kind of thing. It wouldn't be as much of a statement, and I think they would lose some potential buyers as a result. Besides all that, with all those 2 year contracts floating around they will be losing Smartphone customers everday. If they just release a music phone some people would say "damn, I was hoping for more a Smartphone kind of thing, ah well it looks like I'm going with a Blackberry or a Motorola Q then". That customer is now out of Apple's radar for two years, and Apple wont like that.

What do you think?


  • Reply 1 of 16
    nijiniji Posts: 288member
    i agree.

    i probably will need to pass a simple gms fon.

    3g with smart fon ability to open pdf, excel, etc. is what is needed. or, a pda equivalent with fon capability.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    I don't think Apple will release a smartphone. That's just some peoples best wishes. It's not their style. I just can't see them releasing a phone with a gazilion little buttons all over it. I don't think they really care about the phone market. What they care about is the iPod market and that's being threatened by the fact that more phones are playing music and those phones are getting better at it.

    It will be an iPod meets phone and that's it. Nothing bigger or fancier then you'd get with a RAZR and I'm sure a common complaint will be that there is no expandable memory.

    I just sure hope it has a halfway decent camera on it.

    I'd really like to see a full sized ipod with phone ability. Because I think that whatever phone Apple releases is going to be great for the nano crowd, and will probably take some sales away from it. But people like me who like to take all their music with them will still have to carry a full sized ipod unfortunately.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    The big question is, do you guys think it will be a flip[ phone or candybar style? Part of me wants to say flip phone just so it separates itself from the rest of the ipod line and to protect the screen since Apple got so much crap out that. Because if they make it a candybar style chances are it will probably look like the nano for durability reasons That would probably be too close for style, unless that's what they want.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by ApplePi View Post

    The big question is, do you guys think it will be a flip[ phone or candybar style? Part of me wants to say flip phone just so it separates itself from the rest of the ipod line and to protect the screen since Apple got so much crap out that. Because if they make it a candybar style chances are it will probably look like the nano for durability reasons That would probably be too close for style, unless that's what they want.

    Music phone could be candybay or type of slider;

    Smart phone could be flipphone or this type of thing;

  • Reply 5 of 16
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    See I remember Steve years ago mentioning he doesn't think browsing the internet on anything but a full blown computer was worthwhile. This was in reference to internet appliances at the time but I think it applies more to cell phones as they are even less capable. So I just can't see him releasing a product that has a full keyboard like these smartphones. Granted it might be smart(er) then your typical phone in that it's easier to use and just works better with your mac/pc. But browsing the internet on a phone with a screen that small really is a silly idea. It's just a gimmick really. Until these things start having holographic screens that punch out to 10 inches or we can plug eyephones into them, they're going to remain relatively simple in order to keep their ease of use which Apple is famous for.

    I would only expect the music phone. Don't get your hopes up for anything else.
  • Reply 6 of 16
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by ApplePi View Post

    See I remember Steve years ago mentioning he doesn't think browsing the internet on anything but a full blown computer was worthwhile. This was in reference to internet appliances at the time but I think it applies more to cell phones as they are even less capable. So I just can't see him releasing a product that has a full keyboard like these smartphones. Granted it might be smart(er) then your typical phone in that it's easier to use and just works better with your mac/pc. But browsing the internet on a phone with a screen that small really is a silly idea. It's just a gimmick really. Until these things start having holographic screens that punch out to 10 inches or we can plug eyephones into them, they're going to remain relatively simple in order to keep their ease of use which Apple is famous for.

    Smartphones aren't just for browsing the internet you know. They do other things too.

    The music phone could have the feature of an iPod Nano + phone, bigger than a Nano though. Music phone would basically be for playing and possibly downloading music, syncing with your contacts, address book, a limited amout of date from your computer, making calls and sending texts. It would have a built-in dictionary, calcutator, calendar and clock etc.

    And the Smarphone would do all of that, but it could have a camera, a more elaborate keyboard and more processing prower. You could work on your paper for school, or your website, and when you get home you could hook it up tp your computer you're half way their to completing your project. GPS etc. That and it could also play decent quality video's or movies too.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    There's no thread about this already. This thread is suggesting what I think are good reasons why Apple wont seperate it's two phone products, the iPod Phone & the iPod SmartPhone, if indeed they are working on them. Which we can all fairly comfortably assume they are.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    browsing the internet on a cell phone costs a lot.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    well, if you were to browse the web by going through your service provider yea, it would...but if the phone had Wifi, like other phones, or even some Palms, it would be really easy, fast, and would not cost a thing compared to what you already pay for your internet access.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Flotown View Post

    well, if you were to browse the web by going through your service provider yea, it would...but if the phone had Wifi, like other phones, or even some Palms, it would be really easy, fast, and would not cost a thing compared to what you already pay for your internet access.

    There's a lot of countries where Wifi is completely useless on the street.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    The service provider may give you a hard time if your phone has Wifi
  • Reply 13 of 16
    This is True. It all depends on the carrier. But in the near future, a technology called Wimax will be available almost everywhere. In IDEAL conditions, Wimax would deliver speeds up to 70 Mbit/s over 112 Km (roughly 70 miles)...This should be taken into concideration by apple when designing the ipod smartphone

    -Down side is the battery consumption.
  • Reply 14 of 16
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Drudge Report has Steve annoucing "Apple Personal Computer to Carry in a Pocket" at


    it is really just a link to the International Herald Tribune Business:

  • Reply 15 of 16
    been meaning to post but THAT

    looks SOOOOOOOO fecking cool

    ps dont tell me it wont happen for any one of a million reasons, im just saying it looks COOL IMO
  • Reply 16 of 16
    Looks nice.

    Where can I get one?
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