Toast 5.2 Discus Etch Edition for Yamaha CRW-F1 Missing Documentation

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Update 10.27.02 Read last post about the above revised topic.

Look at a latter post to see how to avoid crashes after installing Toast 5.2 Update.

Toast 5.2 Update + $10 Discus Etch Edition for Yamaha CRW-F1 DiscT@2 Support

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

This is certified the real deal this time. Installed and works fine with 10.2.1 as far as I can tell.

There's no Yamaha CRW-F1 T@2 Discus Etch Edition application with this update. ROXIO is going to leave it to Magic Mouse to provide the Discus Etch Edition for the Yamaha CRW-F1.

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

$10 to buy a CD from the Discus Etch Edition developer. That's the solution provided by Magic Mouse (the Discus EE developer).

Check out the web page Yamaha has put up to further explain the DiscT@2 Technology with graphics and pictures:

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

Also Don't forget your $20 rebate on the internal good 'ti next Spring:

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

[ 10-27-2002: Message edited by: Multimedia ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 10
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    I now have a better understanding of what is going on.

    Yamaha doesn't care. They didn't pay for Discus to be developed. Roxio did. And Yamaha doesn't care about making sure internal IDE buyers get a copy of Discus EE (that's the name of the F1 specific version.) Yamaha is trying to negotiate a deal with Apple to make the F1 their primary or at least a BTO CDR drive. Yamaha is also working on packaging an internal IDE version for Mac but perhaps only sold through the Apple stores online and physical. I don't know what they're thinking. The deal is in negotiations right now.

    I have spoken on the phone with the Product Marketing Managers at Magic Mouse (authors of Discus for Yamaha CRW-F1) and Yamaha. Roxio tech support says they never even touched Discus for F1.

    This is a very complicated political and economic situation among the three companies. Short version is that Roxio doesn't want to pay Magic Mouse for the cost of offering the Discus for F1 as part of the update although Magic Mouse only wants a few cents per download. Yamaha doesn't want to offer Discus for F1 in the internal boxes because of the perceived market for Mac internals as being too small. Bottom line is that Magic Mouse is screwed by the big boys.

    Magic Mouse will make a CD-ROM of the Yamaha F1 version of Discus EE available to everyone for about $10 soon. They can't afford to make it available for download at their website because they are small and can't afford the large download charge they would have to incurr from their server company if they did.

    The story is much more convoluted than that but that's all I can write for now to keep you up to date.

    Bottom line is we need to be complaining to Roxio for being such CHEAP SKATES when it comes to Magic Mouse's contribution to the solution.

    Chris Gorog

    President and Chief Executive Officer

    Roxio, Inc.

    455 El Camino Real

    Santa Clara, CA 95050

    (408) 367-3100
  • Reply 2 of 10
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    New and Improved opening panel above with new links to the technology, the rebate forms and the Discus Etch Edition for only $10 direct from Magic Mouse.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 3 of 10
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Are you having a conversation with yourself in here? I'm having a little trouble following what you're talking about. Nevermind.

    /me leaving the thread completely confused.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Since you seem confused let me rephrase.

    Yamaha has come out with a revolutionary 44x24x44x CDR drive ? the CRW-F1 ? that writes CDRs and CDRWs in a completely different way than all the preceeding and new other brand CDR drives do. It also can etch graphics and text onto the unused portion of the CDR.

    Toast Lite 5.1.6 and Toast Titanium 5.2 are the first versions to support this new drive's unique writing and etching technologies. But to etch the graphics and text, you ALSO need an application by the developer Magic Mouse called Discus Etch Edition or Discus EE (DEE). DEE works in conjunction with Toast 5.2 or Toast Lite 5.1.6 (in the Firewire version of F1 not yet shipping) to plan and execute the etching design and text.

    Discus is part of the Toast Titanium 5 Suite of applications. But because of political and economic forces, Roxio is not releasing Discus EE to existing Toast Titanium 5 owners as part of the 5.2 update. And Yamaha won't put Discus EE in with the internal F1 box because they don't want to pay royalties to Magic Mouse for copies that PC users won't use.

    Moreover, Yamaha doesn't want a relationship with Magic Mouse because they don't want to hurt Roxio's feelings. Yamaha thinks that if they develop a direct relationship with Magic Mouse that Roxio will stop its relationship with Yamaha. So those smart Mac owners who are scraping their obsolete CDRs for the revolutionary Yamaha F1 are having trouble getting Discus EE for the internal IDE model.

    Fortunately now, Magic Mouse will sell Discus EE on a CD to F1 owners directly for $10. This is a solution that I personally negotiated. Until I intervened, Magic Mouse didn't even know there was this problem.

    It's a big political can of worms. If you want to know more about it reply and I will go into it in more depth. Is that clearer?
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Is it safe for me to update to 5.2 now? I heard of MAJOR problems with people going to 5.2. What's the deal?
  • Reply 6 of 10
    Is it safe for me to update to 5.2 now? I heard of MAJOR problems with people going to 5.2. What's the deal?
  • Reply 7 of 10
    Is it safe for me to update to 5.2 now? I heard of MAJOR problems with people going to 5.2. What's the deal?
  • Reply 8 of 10
    What the crap ? Hmm...that's messed up...
  • Reply 9 of 10
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    From today's <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Roxio has posted notes about Toast 5.2 problems on a Toast tips page, including an explanation for the sudden-quits issue, which apparently is caused by a silent anti-piracy mechanism:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    "Toast updaters check for a valid copy of Toast 5 Titanium, install the updated application, then rename the enclosing folder to the new version number, and leave the previous versions of Toast Titanium intact within the updated folder. The valid serial number from the original application is inherited by the update - no reserialization is necessary. However if you suspect you are having a CD-Key related issue, try the following:

    a.\tControl Click (hold the control button while clicking) on the Toast application, and select the option "Show Package Contents.

    b.\tOpen the Contents folder, then the MacOS folder.

    c.\tDelete the rox.dat file.

    d.\tClose all Windows and Launch Toast.

    e.\tEnter your CD-Key and Toast should launch fine.

    Note: You must have your valid CD-Key available before deleting the rox.dat file as you will be required to enter it the next time you launch the Toast application . Enter your CD-Key as it appears on the materials that came with your original product packaging. Some CD-Keys begin with 2 characters, while others begin with 4 characters. Both of these formats work with Toast 5.2.

    And "Jimbob" emailed a note about another Toast issue:

    The bit about the user agreeing to allow Roxio to install copyright protection items at will no longer appears in the user agreement. Sometimes the squeaky wheel does get the grease. "
  • Reply 10 of 10
    multimediamultimedia Posts: 1,056member
    Well all the different Yamaha CRW-F1 CD-RW models, my pet new peripheral, are now all in stock on the store shelves and the internal IDE retail boxed model is now $99 after rebate plus sales tax of about $9.40 in California. The box says $179 but it's on sale at Fry's for $119 this weekend net $99 plus $9.40 sales tax. The external USB 2 is $230 and the dual ported USB 2 AND FireWire External model is $280 IE way overpriced with no rebate offered on that model.

    Yamaha has the $20 rebate running on this drive through the end of March 2003. So if you want to wait, that will be the time to get it for the cheapest as prices on these things always continue to fall.

    I have the Discus Etch Edition ($12 from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> that works with Toast 5.2 to burn T@2s of graphics and text into the unused outer circumference of the CDRs. Toast 5.2 sees the F1 and adds the Discus interface to the menu system so that the etching setup process is integrated into Toast 5.2.

    Unfortunately there is no Etch Edition documentation only a pdf of the original Discus, so I am clueless as to how to use Etch Edition. I'll have to get back to you on that after I talk to the developer, Magic Mouse, Monday.

    Meanwhile, do any of you have it and have you figured out how to use it and if so how do you use it?

    As soon as I learn more, I'll let you know.
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