iPhone = cell network death

in iPhone edited January 2014
Sorry if this was posted anywhere else, but I haven't seen it in the other threads and so I'm posting it here.

We know that there are dozens of different rumors about the iPod/iPhone and most of them have similar traits when boiled down.

*Some Mac OS variant running in a smaller form.

*iLife integration

*iPod functionality

*cell phone functionality

We also have seen a bit about iChat out there. We know Apple is very big on iChat and the various forms of collaboration and communication it offers.

Why hasn't anyone mentioned using various forms of wireless networking to circumvent cell networks and lower your cost of ownership both for dealing with media of various sorts and also for calls.

My house no longer has landlines in terms of phone usage. We have very high speed internet and also cell phones.

My cell carrier, Verizon Wireless has one great point (their network) and one very crappy point, they limit phone functionality to insure you will only use their network for EVERYTHING. This is a very large turn-off.

What if the Apple phone not only utilized GSM or EVDO for cell calls, but also allowed calls when you are at home utilizing VOIP and your home wireless network? Your cell phone carrier would basically become your away from home network. Your home wireless network (802.11*) would take care of media synchronization (iLife) and would also allow you to make voice phone calls utilizing VOIP.

That would save a few minutes on those plans wouldn't it while also allowing entirely new uses.




  • Reply 1 of 1
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    It's quite likely that iPhone will have some form of Airport / Bonjour functionality. One thing I've learned about new Apple products is to expect them to change the market. There are a handful of wireless VoIP phones that use WiFi, so it's not outrageous to expect this.

    Good call, Nick.
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