advice plz

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I am new to all this Apple seen.

So it would be great if someone can fill me in.

I am planning to buy my first Macbook next Monday, so did they mention and updates to the current Core 2 Duo Macbook? What I am trying to say is if something new is coming out in 2-3 weeks then I will wait but if its going to be in the order of months then Iam buying my unit next monday. Please if you know any info update me.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    gargar Posts: 1,201member
    Buy now.

    Considering the fact that the MacBook is Apples last updated Mac, back in November.

    You'll probably have to wait for another 4-5 months for a refreshed model.

    Historically the update frequency of Apples Consumer notebook is about every 6 months.

    except for the last generation iBookG4.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by gar View Post

    Buy now.

    Considering the fact that the MacBook is Apples last updated Mac, back in November.

    You'll probably have to wait for another 4-5 months for a refreshed model.

    Historically the update frequency of Apples Consumer notebook is about every 6 months.

    except for the last generation iBookG4.

    thanks for the reply
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