What's wrong with the iPhone; and how the Axitron ModBook is a POS?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Okay, haven't even seen the Keynote yet, haven't even had dinner yet; but I have found time (throughout the day, duh) to do a little data mining vis a vis said Keynote…


Cool as hell, but come June several improvements need to take place:

Stereo BlueTooth headset/mic combos, with stereo mics on each earbud, helping to process out background noises and improve vocal qualities… Maybe a safety string between the two, for the timid…

True 3G & 802.11n capabilities

iSight on the screen side for video iChat…

And Apple needs to say screw you Cingular and get their own network up, whether with their own equipment (a cell tower & telcom gear at even Apple retail store) or renting bandwidth from established network(s) or a combination of both…

Then, whe they say that the cost of the iPhone includes a two-year contract, that can mean two years of .Mac + iPhone service prepaid, and software to turn the iPhone into a custom remote for the Apple TV (the forum didn't like my ALT+SHIFT+K for the Apple logo), thereby filling that bottom right corner of the apps icons on the front-end of the iPhone UI… Having a virtual network from piggybacking, in conjunction with shifting .Mac access loads through the Internet via the fat pipes back to the mothership at the Apple stores would allow for a move toward full-motion video iChat, video conference calls even…?!?

And more FlashRAM, or some type of HDD option would be nice…

Can I run Apple Remote Desktop on this thing…?!?

Lest I forget, the Axitron 5900, er, ModBook…

Nice enough, pricy as hell, due to be outspec'ed (much like the iPhone above) by the time it actually ships, unless specs are freely changed to keep pace with the current tech levels…

But after seeing the iPhone, and the multi-touch patents coming to fruition…?!?


Of course, if funds were available, I would buy either as currently spec'ed in a heartbeat…!




  • Reply 1 of 8
    willrobwillrob Posts: 203member
    The phone will cost $499 or $599 with Cingular contract. I don't think the price includes the monthly Cingular fee. That's just too cheap for a service. $20 a month with a free phone? No way.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I was actually thinking a free two-year .Mac account, services which would be expanded to leverage the iPhone; and a clear indicator of when one is using WiMax or running on pay-as-you-go piggybacked carrier…
  • Reply 3 of 8
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    So come on, who thinks the Axitron ModBook sin't gonna be around for long, before Apple releases its line of Mac slate-style tablets…

    With the multi-touch interface and on-screen keyboard, who cannot help but see a line-up of MacTablets…?!?

    The iTablet; 8"+ high-density LCD multi-touch screen/integrated graphics, larger than an iPhone, near perfect design for (initial) medical & food service markets, fits right into a lab coat pocket or wait staff apron; great for inventory/warehouse, sys admins running ARD, maybe a fridge door dock for the housewife with a smart fridge…?!?

    The MacTablet: 13"+ high-density LCD multi-touch screen/good graphics, size of a standard notepad, near perfect design for (initial) educational & business markets; great for surfing the net from the couch or finishing a Keynote presentation sitting at the nineteenth hole…

    The MacTablet Pro; 17"+ high-density LCD multi-touch screen/best graphics, a little larger than a standard legal pad, near perfect design for (initial) graphic design & digital photography markets; high-rez sketchbook for artists of all types…

    All with built-in iSights & ExpressCard slots for adding optional iPhone capabilities…

    And, not of the stand-alone Apple slate-style tablet market, but benefiting greatly from the multi-touch interface technology, the piece dé resistance, the 30"+ high-density Apple Cinema Display with built-in iSight and adjustable desktop stand (very much like the Cintiq stand, but better as only Apple can do…) feeding off of a Mac Pro workstation with (up to) a quad SLI rig with a load of QuadroFX boards cranking away… Awesome…!!!

  • Reply 4 of 8
    No 30" monstricity for quite a while for sure... but at 30 inches we'd be talking about something not unlike the CEO's desk in "the Island". hmm cool!

    Getting to my 2 cents... It seems that apple has spent allot of R&D Money and made a very successful product, but where it will truly be a boon is in a "technological trickle effect". I would excpect apple to distibute all of the innovations applied to the iphone throughout thier product line, including a few new offerings. They conqured many UI problems in the iphone for all devices in a similar category or class, including larger touch-based tablets and input devices for instance. The question to ask really is... what kind of horse power Apple (AKA Steve) will want in thier 1st tablet and how soon can that happen? or perhaps, what other applications can we conjur for the technology in the iphone and what might be missing? It felt a little like looking at military technology in that what Apple has, is technology they've developed (or at least own the patents to) that can and will most assuredly will be applied to a range of products. How many patents were filed? 200? Like Steve Said they will protect these patents vigilantly. I have to say that after seeing the iphone (a suprisingly powerful device) and it's software, a tablet would appear to be childs-play on many points short of hand recognition to text. 2 yrs. on the iphone? what haven't we seen?
  • Reply 5 of 8
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by MacRonin View Post

    And Apple needs to say screw you Cingular and get their own network up, whether with their own equipment (a cell tower & telcom gear at even Apple retail store)

    That's a wack, horrible idea.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,387moderator
    Originally Posted by MacRonin View Post

    iSight on the screen side for video iChat?

    They should have put the camera on a swivel like they have on Sony laptops. No way they'll include two cameras. It seems like a mistake not including a video conferencing ability given that this will target business users but most people probably wouldn't use the feature. I keep video off when I Skype people and they do too. Some people prefer not to be seen when calling because it's easier to lie that way.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    instead of a mac tablet, i'd rather see the keyboard and trackpad get replaced by an LCD touchscreen. think of all the coolness that you could do with that!

    i for one, hate monitor touchers. leavers of smudges and finger slime. DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT GUY JUST HAD HIS FINGER?!!?!?


    as for apple starting it's own cell network, you are truly smoking dope.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    I don't think Apple will ever release a Tablet. I can, however, see some of their products evolving into something like a tablet.

    Edit: like the above post mentions. In the quest for ever-thinner laptops with backlit keyboards, it's only a matter of time.

    BTW, what's stopping the tablet whingers from buying an Axiotron?
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