Leopard UI previewed on iPhone?

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in macOS edited January 2014
Just curious.

no mention of Leopard - possibly due to the fact that Microsoft may just delay a wider release of Windows Vista (already available to businesses) to conjure up an "ultimate destructor" version that copies Leopard further (it has already copied tiger).

However, look at the iPhone. the UI features a most professional looking black glossy color quite prominently throughout the software. The other most prominent color is blue (it wouldn't quite be OS X without blue now would it?), only this blue is the more subdued iTunes hue and not the brightly lit Tiger version.

Although Leopard was ot mentioned at all, I do believe this represents the UI desing direction for Leopard.

I also think future iPods will have the same music UI as the iPhone. Very slick. this will get them away from those Creative patent royalties.

The Zune is officially a laughing stock and Vista is somewhat DOA, considering it only looks better than XP - but is still mostly the same sh'bang.

The iPhone and Leopard are the future of computing. interesting though, how XP and OSX both had a prominently blue theme and now Vista and Leopard (rumored to) have a prominently black theme.

Your thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 14
    Sure looking that way...

    Lemon Bon Bon
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  • Reply 2 of 14
    While being complete disappointed with Steve for not showing us anything from Leopard, I can only hang on to the belief that Apple is doing things differently enough in the OS that many patents will be taken out to protect these features. I'm getting tired of Microsoft copying everything Apple is doing and I think Steve is as well. I'm hoping that there are enough UI differences that are patentable so that Apple can sue the hell out of anyone else using them - as is obviously their intention with the iPhone, and for good reason. I think Apple is finally tired of being copied by Microsoft and is hopefully doing something huge to ensure that Microsoft is unable to copy OS X further.
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  • Reply 3 of 14
    Does no one else get the impression that the iPhone's user interface looks awfully similar to that of Vista? Yes, it is sleeker, but it looks like a total rip-off to me.

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  • Reply 4 of 14
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by aryayush View Post

    Does no one else get the impression that the iPhone's user interface looks awfully similar to that of Vista? Yes, it is sleeker, but it looks like a total rip-off to me.


    So tell me, where/how/what do you pinch in Vista to zoom?
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  • Reply 5 of 14
    Originally Posted by aryayush View Post

    Does no one else get the impression that the iPhone's user interface looks awfully similar to that of Vista? Yes, it is sleeker, but it looks like a total rip-off to me.


    Where is the nauseating 90's-esque blue green everywhere?

    How about 4 different sources of light on a single window?

    8 dialog pop-ups for deleting something?
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  • Reply 6 of 14
    It's not everywhere in Vista and it is present on the iPhone.

    I don't know about the light source thing.

    And I meant the visual user-interface, not its features. Of course Apple will never copy Windows on how to make a better user interface. Even when talking about the visual user interface, the slick animations on the iPhone are unrivaled. I was primarily talking about the dominant dark translucent (shiny) UI of the iPhone that looks like a twin of Vista's task bar, start menu and buttons. I am not saying Apple copied them, but it looks very very similar.

    Originally Posted by Chucker

    So tell me, where/how/what do you pinch in Vista to zoom?

    First of all, I was talking about the visual interface and not the features. Sorry if I was unclear. But anyway, Vista does not yet come on a device with a touchscreen, so it does not make sense to compare that feature.

    If you guys think I am some sort of a Windows advocate, let me tell you that I am not. In fact, quite the opposite. I am just stating a thing I noticed which struck me as curious and therefore, I thought I'd mention it here. Vista sucks and I know it.
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  • Reply 7 of 14
    Originally Posted by aryayush View Post

    Does no one else get the impression ...

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  • Reply 8 of 14
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    Just curious.

    no mention of Leopard - possibly due to the fact that Microsoft may just delay a wider release of Windows Vista (already available to businesses) to conjure up an "ultimate destructor" version that copies Leopard further (it has already copied tiger).

    However, look at the iPhone. the UI features a most professional looking black glossy color quite prominently throughout the software. The other most prominent color is blue (it wouldn't quite be OS X without blue now would it?), only this blue is the more subdued iTunes hue and not the brightly lit Tiger version.

    Although Leopard was ot mentioned at all, I do believe this represents the UI desing direction for Leopard.

    I also think future iPods will have the same music UI as the iPhone. Very slick. this will get them away from those Creative patent royalties.

    The Zune is officially a laughing stock and Vista is somewhat DOA, considering it only looks better than XP - but is still mostly the same sh'bang.

    The iPhone and Leopard are the future of computing. interesting though, how XP and OSX both had a prominently blue theme and now Vista and Leopard (rumored to) have a prominently black theme.

    Your thoughts?

    I was thinking the same thing you were during the keynote. ( about the OS UI )

    I am currently about 80% leaning towards switching once Leopard comes out, and I would love it if it has the same UI style as the iPhone, it is absolutely gorgeous.

    And even more of a shocker.... I may buy my first iPod later this year, if they continue with the same interface as the iPhone. I bought a Zune because its interface was above and beyond ipod/creative's interface. Now it appears apple has finally let the cat out of the bag. it took them 2 and a half years of waiting to release it, but they released a stunning, easy-to-use, and iconic interface that just looks great. ( please let this be what leopard looks like )

    I especially like how clean and colorful it is. Everything has an icon/symbol, hardly any words are even needed. no pull down menus, no clicking into 5-8 menus just to get to something. it is simple, yet still manages to let you do everything ( and more ) that other smartphones let you do.

    I think the hardware for the iPhone is great, but where they truly shined this time is with the software, absolutely fantastic.
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  • Reply 9 of 14
    freenyfreeny Posts: 128member
    Blue is the easiest color on the eyes. Its only logical.
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  • Reply 10 of 14
    to be honest, the iphone's welcome screen is cool, but the next screen (with the apps) is not so good when compared with sony ericsson main menus

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  • Reply 11 of 14
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    I have a Sony Ericsson Phone too. K750i. Takes nice pictures. But always 1 second after I press the button. Plays music - but it is too hard to get music onto it. Plays video - but not at full-screen resolution. Browses the Web too with Opera Mini - but the tiny text hurts my eyes - and the scroll joystick is full of sand. Kinda crap for making calls, I use "recent calls" to dial because it's too slow to navigate contacts. Unlocking is a drag. And it still is branded with an O2 interface - even though it is an unlocked handset.

    Its an OK phone, but I don't love it.

    After seeing the iPhone it does seem, well dated. Retro - without any actual retro charm. Not just dated, but vintage, like something from the 50s. Ugly but without a heart of gold. Flintstone's ugly.

    The iPhone has only one unique selling point. This USP is not radical and it's not revolutionary - but it is unique - and I think should be the basis of Apple's marketing campaign.

    iPhone - the worlds first phone that does not suck.

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  • Reply 12 of 14
    Porn movies on the iPhone 4TW 16x9
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  • Reply 13 of 14
    Originally Posted by aryayush View Post

    It's not everywhere in Vista and it is present on the iPhone.

    I don't know about the light source thing.

    And I meant the visual user-interface, not its features. Of course Apple will never copy Windows on how to make a better user interface. Even when talking about the visual user interface, the slick animations on the iPhone are unrivaled. I was primarily talking about the dominant dark translucent (shiny) UI of the iPhone that looks like a twin of Vista's task bar, start menu and buttons. I am not saying Apple copied them, but it looks very very similar.

    First of all, I was talking about the visual interface and not the features. Sorry if I was unclear. But anyway, Vista does not yet come on a device with a touchscreen, so it does not make sense to compare that feature.

    If you guys think I am some sort of a Windows advocate, let me tell you that I am not. In fact, quite the opposite. I am just stating a thing I noticed which struck me as curious and therefore, I thought I'd mention it here. Vista sucks and I know it.

    I agree with you.. I saw what you mentioned as well and thought the same thing.
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  • Reply 14 of 14
    On a slightly tangential note-- I think when Leopard is announced, it's going to be at a special even in march or so, available for immediate purchase. Ok, now I'm better.

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