the data plans for the iphone..

in iPhone edited January 2014
curious about this one, cingular has many data plans but since apple is exclusive to cingular and sold their soul to them pretty much, im going to estimate that in return for the phone purchases cingular will create a special data plan for them. This would kind of like hiptop/T-Mobile when they made the sidekick and now give unlimited texting/data for $29, i sure dont want to be paying $45 to just get some data and texting that is currently on cingulars site...if any cingular employees could also give some feedback maybe you guys know whats going to happen, or have an idea?

also wil the ichat (aim) work over text or data...i have a T-Mobile Dash right now that has AIM that came with the phone working off texting, I HATE IT compared to my old sidekick that sent so so fast over gonna cross my fingers that iphone comes with data on this feature


  • Reply 1 of 13
    I looked into it, called Cingular four times, spoke with four different people and got the same answer: They really don't know. It all depends on how it is classified. If it is classified as a "PDA" like a Treo or E62, it will have the expensive "Data Connect" plans. However, if they classify it as a smartphone, the $19.99 unlimited "SmartPhone Connect" plan is applicable. I am betting that they will classify it that way to get more sales. I am fine with that, as long as they work out some better plans for their minutes.
  • Reply 2 of 13
    ya $19.99 is great, im sure that doesnt include texts tho but anything under the $40 i pay now for data/text on t-mobile is good

    ya minute plans are a must for cingular they need some better plans honestly, righ tnow i have 600 minutes with unlimited weekend and night for $39.99, the best plan i see for cingular is $59.99 for 900 minutes, but i dont need that many and thats very expensive....cingular come out with 39.99 600 minute plan i will love you forever haha
  • Reply 3 of 13
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Apple needs to push .Mac as an integral part of the whole iPhone widget?

    Much as the phone knows to switch between WiFi & EDGE for data transfers depending on which is available, it could also have the ability to switch between cell service & WiFi VOIP service (via .Mac), could be a huge minutes saver? And I could video iChat to a Mac computer or even another iPhone when using WiFi, if Apple would just add a built-in iSight to the screen side of the iPhone?

    And how about GPS services? Can I track myself across town, will MacMac help me find my way towards the next destination??!? In turn, would I be able to track individual iPhones via GPS data security-shared with my iPhone??!?

    And leveraging .Mac to push photos & video from your iPhone camera to your .Mac hosted blogs, galleries & websites?

    This and many more questions about and ideas for improvement of the Apple iPhone run through my RDF addled brain?

    You should have called me last year Steve?!

  • Reply 4 of 13
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    ya $19.99 is great, im sure that doesnt include texts tho but anything under the $40 i pay now for data/text on t-mobile is good

    ya minute plans are a must for cingular they need some better plans honestly, righ tnow i have 600 minutes with unlimited weekend and night for $39.99, the best plan i see for cingular is $59.99 for 900 minutes, but i dont need that many and thats very expensive....cingular come out with 39.99 600 minute plan i will love you forever haha

    ya, haha.
  • Reply 5 of 13
    i do beleive GPS is built on the phone with google maps....and it does direct you to where you want to go, at least thats what i got from the keynote..
  • Reply 6 of 13
    willrobwillrob Posts: 203member
    The specs I've sen don't include a GPS chip, so the Google Map may have required Jobs first telling it where he was.

    A question on Cingular Smart Phone plans: does using the internet for e-mail, etc. use minutes? Or are minutes only used for actual calls and text messages? Having a portable internet device would be important for a lot of folks; but most avid internet buffs would use up their monthly minutes in one day.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Isn't it true that US federal law mandates GPS in all cell phones, for 911 tracking? The question is whether the functionality is unlocked for the user.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    screedscreed Posts: 1,077member
    I don't believe it has a GPS (signals from the satellites) functionality. What wireless e-911 is, per wikipedia:


    A second phase of Enhanced 911 service is to allow a wireless or mobile telephone to be located geographically using some form of radiolocation from the cellular network, or by using a Global Positioning System built into the phone itself.

    [emphasis mine] So required geolocation yes, required GPS no (not yet).
  • Reply 9 of 13
    It may have a AT&T WiFi and a cingular data plan deal.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    no you guys need to watch they DOES have GPS tracking, and yes i do believe it is mandatory for police that all cell phones have GPS i beleive it starts next year tho...the phone has satellite tracking and will give you directions on google maps, its built in..go watch the keynote
  • Reply 11 of 13
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    It was roughly 6 years ago that phones were required to have circuitry such that 911 could locate callers. However, this wasn't GPS based. I believe that GPS will eventually be a requirement but that it isn't yet.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    no you guys need to watch they DOES have GPS tracking, and yes i do believe it is mandatory for police that all cell phones have GPS i beleive it starts next year tho...the phone has satellite tracking and will give you directions on google maps, its built in..go watch the keynote

    I don 't think there was any evidence in the keynote that there was GPS. I believe he just had a bookmark for Moscone center.
  • Reply 13 of 13
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    no you guys need to watch they DOES have GPS tracking, and yes i do believe it is mandatory for police that all cell phones have GPS i beleive it starts next year tho...the phone has satellite tracking and will give you directions on google maps, its built in..go watch the keynote

    Read sCreeD's post, then come back. And you don't even need GPS tracking to do what you are suggesting. My phone from several years ago with no e911 capabilities could recommend services based on the cell tower you were nearest to.
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