iPhone impact on future hardware solutions

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I just got home and am rather surprised at the negativity filling the boards. Bad keynote. I didn't get what I wanted. What's wrong with the iPhone. Disappointed. Trapped in contracts. Too expensive. Blah blah blah. You have a right to your opinion. However...

Though the perfect product does not exist, Apple is Steve's company, and a first time venture into a new market is a huge risk, and Apple has never been known as a budget-priced company, one can safely say that this is a very new device that raises the bar on product design.

What positive impact do you feel the design and engineering of the new iPhone will have on future designs of cel phones, computers and consumer devices in general?

If you want to complain, there are other threads for that. Let's focus on the good (of which there was quite a bit).


  • Reply 1 of 26

    What positive impact do you feel the design and engineering of the new iPhone will have on future designs of cel phones, computers and consumer devices in general?

    You said it. It changes everything.

    This IS the 30th Anniversay Mac. (Heh, I almost said 30th Century Mac...)

    Lemon BOn BOn.
  • Reply 2 of 26
    It's a kick in the Nads to the mobile phone industry. With Motocycle boots.

    I can't think of monitors, computers or phone in the same way.

    The 'touch' and the 'brave new world' interface change everything. Tiger's interface isn't looking so hot now, eh?

    If the iPhone is any indication of where Apple could be going with this technology. The next year or so is going to shell shock Dell, HP, M$ to their very foundations!

    I wouldn't bet against anything. Apple TVs replacing computer monitors at some point. Touch tech' to change channel...manipulate media...laptops that are also tablets...imagine a dual lcd laptop where the bottom lcd becomes the iPhones multi-function interface area with no physical keyboard!!!

    Everything is looking so 'last century' as Steve noted with the idea of actually 'punching in numbers' to phone people...

    As good as current Macs and 'X' are...the iPhone has eclipsed everything and I bleed Mac.

    This is a REVOLUTION. No doubt.

    I can't wait to see the shockwaves permeate to their computer line.

    iPhone just crapped on Vista's January release.

    And behind the smoke? Leopard is primed to pick up it's BFG and finish the job.

    I'm more convinced than ever Apple are to release an entirely NEW Gui that could change everything.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 3 of 26
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    As a customer, I will probably wait for a future model. I do have problems with iPhone. The 8gb is only slightly larger than my first generation iPod, for instance. The two year contract is also a real deal breaker because it locks you out of upgrading to next year's more powerful model. I must agree, however, that it is a stunning breakthrough. Five years out, the grandson of iPhone running on a finished WiMax network could eclipse laptops as the mobile computer of choice. As a stock holder I'm very happy. It is the future, and it is just the beginning.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    I forgot to mention how it makes MS and the Zune look. To change the market and move beyond iPod, Apple invents stuff that requires 200 patents. MS, despite having more more money than God, takes a Toshiba Gigabeat and sticks WiFi in it. P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C.
  • Reply 5 of 26
    ---Variations of the iPhone

    A slightly larger model could be the ultra sub compact some of us are hoping for. This model would include ejectable flash drives / mini HDs (your choice; cost would be way different). About 21x17X1 cm would allow real typing with a decent view area at the top of the keypad area. Page layout done by hand. Yeah, a tablet.

    Wall communicators for your home/office. Sort of like super version of the Star Trek intercom, these would just mount to walls or sit on tables, attach to the fridge with magnets and could be used for all your info gathering and communication needs while in the locations. The devices could call each other over BT. No need for wiring.

    A car phone version that would also function as TV/navi system. The iPhone already has stuff the mini hasn't (and vice versa, of course).

    ---Vairations for other hardware

    New Apple monitors that would allow some direct interaction with the screen, perhaps using the proximity sensors, etc, to observe gestures in the air without having to touch the screen. Imagine reading MacWorld Magazine in Zinio and flipping pages by gesturing in front of the screen (sorta like in "Disclosure" just sans the helmet and glove).

    MultiTouch AppleKeyboard. You could configure it freely for each app you use for the way you use it. Have a keyboard driver that has simple draw (layout and size) and function scripts and programmable scripts as well plus "learn" as in HotKeys. Almost Star Trek NG, but freer.
  • Reply 6 of 26
    Originally Posted by murk View Post

    I forgot to mention how it makes MS and the Zune look. To change the market and move beyond iPod, Apple invents stuff that requires 200 patents. MS, despite having more more money than God, takes a Toshiba Gigabeat and sticks WiFi in it. P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C.

    This thingy makes pretty much every portable device out there look, as you so eloquently put it, P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C.
  • Reply 7 of 26
    As a customer, a gadget freak and just all-round nut case, I would likely buy one (if I were in the States) to play with it and to (by buying it) thereby give Apple the support they need to go further the next time around. If the Shinkansens in Japan go wifi and this phone comes out over here, I will be on cloud 9.
  • Reply 8 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    I think the next 'laptop' may just be a large screen with the multipoint touch screen. That would be cool and allow Apple to get even thinner and lighter. Like the saying goes you can't be too rich or to thin. That's Apple's motto.
  • Reply 9 of 26
    I also bet that other cell phone manufacturers are holding emergency meetings today to discuss how to respond to the iPhone; it is way beyond what anyone else has at the moment.

    This means that all phones in general will improve, and then Apple will have to push the envelope again. THey have laid down a challenge in a every tight market and they will have to innovate to succeed. All of those innovations will trickle into everything.

    One thing to note, here, though, is that they got 200+ patents on the iPhone, which means nobody will be producing anything like it anytime soon. Steve also made a side comment that they will defend the patents.
  • Reply 10 of 26
    drnatdrnat Posts: 142member
    I think that the future for apple over the next few years is really exciting.

    Mac line up

    Up dates in a progressive way

    ? new designs to MBP & iMac

    New ACDs

    ?? headless midrange Mac

    ? tablet

    Better access b/w computers - more central server based with info shared b/w multiple computers

    iPod Line

    Conversion of v iPod to multitouch display

    iPhone line

    Addition of iPhone nano as described in other threads

    iPod Hi-Fi/appleTV

    ? further apple TVs with bigger HDDs

    Big external drives with content on & then a multitouch device to control/access it via appleTV and the new airport

    iPod Hi-Fi stereo & surround sound

    These are really exciting times & I think the face of computing will change alot over the next 5 years & apple loks to be in a good position to drive/benefit from this.

    We are already starting to see these changes with the dominance of laptops for many consumers....
  • Reply 11 of 26
    Guys, there isn't going to be an Apple tablet in the forseeable future. The market isn't large enough. Large customers have asked Steve Jobs to build a tablet and he has declined for that reason. There was an article written by a former Apple exec. that was very convincing about this topic.
  • Reply 12 of 26
    ya they have tablets out already and no one uses them theyre boring and suck...only place i see them using it is at the hospital near my house....

    and for the ipod, i beleive its incredible and a huge step for apple and the cell phone industry, i dont think anything like it will be out anytime soon with those 200+ patents, so that new LG for verizon can suck it because they will most likely get sued with that design....i think the phone is great the multi-touch is awesome i just hope they will allow 3rd party apps onto it..im also glad its not 3G to be honest, service isnt available in most areas and battery life sucks, people will complain when the phone is in their hand for 3 hours and dead, and on top of that they wont get 3G service just EDGE because of availibility, good job Jobs you made another killer...MS is goin doowwnnn
  • Reply 13 of 26
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I just got home and am rather surprised at the negativity filling the boards. Bad keynote. I didn't get what I wanted. What's wrong with the iPhone. Disappointed. Trapped in contracts. Too expensive. Blah blah blah. You have a right to your opinion. However...

    Though the perfect product does not exist, Apple is Steve's company, and a first time venture into a new market is a huge risk, and Apple has never been known as a budget-priced company, one can safely say that this is a very new device that raises the bar on product design.

    What positive impact do you feel the design and engineering of the new iPhone will have on future designs of cel phones, computers and consumer devices in general?

    If you want to complain, there are other threads for that. Let's focus on the good (of which there was quite a bit).

    Anyone who is complaining after that Keynote is obviously not an AAPL stock holder. I'm very happy.
  • Reply 14 of 26
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    As Lemon Bon Bon stated. The iPhone is a stong kick in the knackers for the Cell phone industry that has been on cruise control for quite some time.

    The complaints are warranted about Apple focusing everything on the iPhone and Apple TV but let's be frank here. Apple just announced two products that will become BILLION dollar revenue generators and quite soon.

    200 patents for the iPhone will manifest in so many ways that we simply aren't seeing yet. I imagine that in 5 years or less I'll be edting my audio and video with my fingers. Need to move a fader? Touch and drag it. Need to scrub on a timeline? Take two fingers and swipe them horizontally on the audio or video.

    Remember Minority Report and the Pre-Cog UI system? We just took a leap halfway to that point. What we've learned about MWSF 2007 is that Apple is now operating at a level that few companies can match. They are reacting to technologies they are creating them before anyone else has a clue.

    This cannot be understated.

    OS X is now running embedded products!

    This opens up whole new Vistas (pun intentional) . Apple can now leverage OS X technology in devices as small as Cell Phone up to "sky's the limit". Apple could conceivably attack just about ANY market out there. Today they have the iPod integration for cars. It's not implausible that they could embed OS X into vehicles much like Microsoft is doing today. The touch features simply make so much sense in environments where data input needs to be fast and easy.

    The iPhone could not have come at a better time. Apple will hit their %1 goal and by the 3rd generation of the iPhone you will see a billion dollar product line that defines a new Era in Apple. The Apple Inc era.
  • Reply 15 of 26
    NYT has a nice article


    Spoke to a friend yesterday who runs a local cel phone shop here in Japan (he also happens to be a certified Apple repairman). He thinks the phone is already way ahead of anythign available in Japan at the moment and that by the phone's release here next year or the next, it will have reached new heights.

    He also said that the phone shows a new trend in apple's thinking that will come out in new Mac products in the near future. He was pretty excited.
  • Reply 16 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    As Lemon Bon Bon stated. The iPhone is a stong kick in the knackers for the Cell phone industry that has been on cruise control for quite some time.

    The complaints are warranted about Apple focusing everything on the iPhone and Apple TV but let's be frank here. Apple just announced two products that will become BILLION dollar revenue generators and quite soon.

    200 patents for the iPhone will manifest in so many ways that we simply aren't seeing yet. I imagine that in 5 years or less I'll be edting my audio and video with my fingers. Need to move a fader? Touch and drag it. Need to scrub on a timeline? Take two fingers and swipe them horizontally on the audio or video.

    Remember Minority Report and the Pre-Cog UI system? We just took a leap halfway to that point. What we've learned about MWSF 2007 is that Apple is now operating at a level that few companies can match. They are reacting to technologies they are creating them before anyone else has a clue.

    This cannot be understated.

    OS X is now running embedded products!

    This opens up whole new Vistas (pun intentional) . Apple can now leverage OS X technology in devices as small as Cell Phone up to "sky's the limit". Apple could conceivably attack just about ANY market out there. Today they have the iPod integration for cars. It's not implausible that they could embed OS X into vehicles much like Microsoft is doing today. The touch features simply make so much sense in environments where data input needs to be fast and easy.

    The iPhone could not have come at a better time. Apple will hit their %1 goal and by the 3rd generation of the iPhone you will see a billion dollar product line that defines a new Era in Apple. The Apple Inc era.

    Nice analysis. I'm surprised at how some people are focusing on perceived shortcomings, such as cingular as the carrier, limited memory and lack of 3g, instead of the amazing capabilities present in this device. Those 'limitations' will easily be overcome soon enough.
  • Reply 17 of 26
    This is Version 1, and it isn't even the final FOR SALE version 1.
  • Reply 18 of 26
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    This is Version 1, and it isn't even the final FOR SALE version 1.

    thats exactly it!

    i was ready for an "avalible today" type announcement prior to the keynote, my only disapointment is that i cant get this now.

    the thoughts i then had were... mmm what do i do in the mean time and mmm... i could probably do without this at all.

    but the implications of whats WITHIN the device are HUGE.

    all te possible tech you have already mentioned, being leveraged to supply Apple with new revenue can only be a good thing.

    the worlds most advanced OS

    the worlds most advanced music players

    the worlds most used download store

    and now the worlds most advanced mobile phone.

    all of those things mean money in Apples coffers, which means money towards more R&D for more products.

    and THAT is a good thing!

    the mouse... how did that change the world?

    scroll wheel... how did that change the world?

    multi touch... how WILL that change the world?

    exciting times ahead!
  • Reply 19 of 26
    kukitokukito Posts: 113member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I just got home and am rather surprised at the negativity filling the boards. Bad keynote. I didn't get what I wanted. What's wrong with the iPhone. Disappointed. Trapped in contracts. Too expensive. Blah blah blah. You have a right to your opinion. However...

    I don't even need a smartphone and I'm getting it. I wanted an iPhone nano with the text-based iPod interface but now I want this. It's the sexiest gadget evah.

    My biggest concern is the keyboard. Could I use a stylus instead of my fingers? Maybe one I could attach to my index finger? I don't see why not. Maybe they can sell them as a fashionable accessory.
  • Reply 20 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by kukito View Post

    I don't even need a smartphone and I'm getting it. I wanted an iPhone nano with the text-based iPod interface but now I want this. It's the sexiest gadget evah.

    My biggest concern is the keyboard. Could I use a stylus instead of my fingers? Maybe one I could attach to my index finger? I don't see why not. Maybe they can sell them as a fashionable accessory.

    It's possible that human evolution may favor those with small fingers ideally suited to the touch screen of the iPhone.
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