Problems with Mail Reply OSX 10.4

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in macOS edited January 2014
I attempted to reply to emails today only to find that the reply window had no send button. I am using the Mail browser provide in OS X 10.4. I have made no changes to the operating system that I am aware of to the make this occur. If I save the message as a draft and open it the 'Send' button appears and I can then compose a reply and send it from the draft box, which although it does the job is an irritatingly protracted way of replying to emails.

Can anyone suggest what has caused this to happen and how I might rectify the fault?



  • Reply 1 of 1
    You must have accidentally removed the Send button from the toolbar. Reply to an email and the resulting window, right-click in the toolbar and select "Customize Toolbar...". Drag the Send button back into position on the toolbar.
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