Update from Tiger To Leopard??

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in macOS edited January 2014
I was wondering if i did well buying the MacBook right now, because as i read in the apple.com, the new OS will soon be out!

So, will the update from tiger to leopard be possible?



  • Reply 1 of 5
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    This question gets asked and answered about every two days. If you buy a new Mac immediately before or immediately after Apple releases a new version of its OS, then you can acquire the new OS for the price of shipping and handling. The grace period is somewhere around two weeks. It may be longer, but it is not much longer. At any rate, after the grace period, you pay full price for the new OS. Since the introduction of MacOS X 10.0, the price has been $129 US. If you are a college student or education professional, then the price is $69 US.
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  • Reply 2 of 5
    Thanks a lot!!
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  • Reply 3 of 5
    icibaquicibaqu Posts: 278member
    you did well. familiarize yourself with tiger so that when the time comes for leopard to ship you will be primed and ready for it (if you choose to get it). plus, it likely won't be out for a couple months.
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  • Reply 4 of 5
    I won't be upgradeing for a while. maybe not until 6 months after it comes out'

    Because Tiger does just fine.
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  • Reply 5 of 5
    Originally Posted by MissKitty View Post

    I won't be upgradeing for a while. maybe not until 6 months after it comes out'

    Because Tiger does just fine.

    We all say that until we go into the store and play around with the new OS... Then we walk out $129 poorer... lol
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