coustomer support help?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
o my family and I have recently been caught up in the mac craze.

Total, we have 2 mac minis, an ibook, an ipod mini, an ipod video, and a mac book pro coming pretty soon in the mail.

We've spent around $5000 on apple products, and personally I have had no trouble getting support for the products I've purchased.

But the manager at the local ipod store had my mom in tears the other night.

My sister got an ipod video for christmas, (litterally one of 3 gifts that she got from my parents b/c its so expensive), she had a case the apple store sold her on it within days. Recently she discoverd that part of the screen had a black dot on it, and it's totally messed up her screen to the point where music is playable, but you can't see anything on the screen.

When my mom took it back, the mananger flipped it over, and found in the light a tiny tiny tiny dent not noticble by touch, only by looking at it in the reflection in the lights.

He said the screen wasn't covered by the waranty, and that they could fix it for $200.

She has had her ipod for less than 2 weeks before this problem. It's clearly an issue with the protection in the ipod, my nano is so scuffed up and dented up and it has had no problems.

It just sucks that my family is going to be out $250. Apple products are so great, but if their coustomer service is going to make my mom cry, I don't think I can support them anymore.

Any tips on how to go about getting it replaced or fixed?

I might end up deleting some stings in the ipod manager, jsut so the music wont play.

or should we call the phone and hope they don't notice the small dent? has anyone had any experience with this kind of problem before?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by markm67140 View Post

    Recently she discoverd that part of the screen had a black dot on it, and it's totally messed up her screen to the point where music is playable, but you can't see anything on the screen.

    When my mom took it back, the mananger flipped it over, and found in the light a tiny tiny tiny dent not noticble by touch, only by looking at it in the reflection in the lights.

    He said the screen wasn't covered by the waranty, and that they could fix it for $200.

    Take note, SDW2001, this ^ is a lousy customer experience.

    When there is very clearly something wrong with the device and it is covered under warranty, they should replace the thing. Saying the screen isn't covered is a very lame excuse. I would contact Apple another way either online or something to see if you can get it replaced.

    Now, on the other hand, you describe it as a very tiny dent but are you certain that your sister didn't whack it against something? Did the dot just appear by itself? I know that if I was someone who got an expensive gift like that, I wouldn't be the first to own up to knocking it against something.

    Someone at work had an expensive phone for about a week and dropped it and now it's broken. It's not going to be replaced under warranty because it was damaged by carelessness.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    On the other hand...

    It's a PORTABLE device ... if it can't handle some minor bumps and bangs, then it would seem like a design flaw.

    I know my iPod mini has withstood it's fair share of bumps and bruises and keeps right on playing. As has an old iBook and a newer PowerBook...

    My Treo, however, couldn't handle the occassional "Gravity Storm" and was retired well before it's time. I ate the cost, but I still think it was a poorly designed product when a cell-phone can't handle occasional contact with Terra Firma.
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