Have Qs for Apple re: Leopard?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm attending an Apple Leopard Developer conference tomorrow in NYC, and thought I'd open the floor to questions from folks. Couple of ground rules...

- If I have to sign an NDA, I will not give you the information, sorry. If I come back and say "Sorry, it was under NDA" then just deal. I'll answer what I can, but I'm not going to break an NDA. Ok? Ok.

- Assume that iPhone will be in the NDA category. It's not on the schedule, so I'm simply not going to worry about collecting questions regarding it. I suspect there will be plenty of people asking, anyway.

- I'm looking for specific, developer-oriented questions that would be *appropriate* for the situation.

- I don't guarantee I'll ask every question.

- I'm not going to get to attend all talks, just a few. Which I will decide on. If you have a Q for a talk I'm not attending, sorry bub.

Now that we have that straight... floor's open.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    I'm attending an Apple Leopard Developer conference tomorrow in NYC, and thought I'd open the floor to questions from folks. Couple of ground rules...

    - If I have to sign an NDA, I will not give you the information, sorry. If I come back and say "Sorry, it was under NDA" then just deal. I'll answer what I can, but I'm not going to break an NDA. Ok? Ok.

    - Assume that iPhone will be in the NDA category. It's not on the schedule, so I'm simply not going to worry about collecting questions regarding it. I suspect there will be plenty of people asking, anyway.

    - I'm looking for specific, developer-oriented questions that would be *appropriate* for the situation.

    - I don't guarantee I'll ask every question.

    - I'm not going to get to attend all talks, just a few. Which I will decide on. If you have a Q for a talk I'm not attending, sorry bub.

    Now that we have that straight... floor's open.

    1. I'm curious about the GC in Obj-C 2.0. I don't know how much you can find out about it, but it would be interesting to know what implementation they are using.

    2. Are there any plans to extend CoreData to work with third party databases ala EO?

    3. Any moves to make Directory Services or Keychain accessible from Cocoa?

    I don't know if these are the types of questions you are looking for or not.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    Ask them when 10.6 is coming out...
  • Reply 3 of 10
    I wonder if that would create laughter or hissing?
  • Reply 4 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Hope your conference goes well. I'm interested to hear of anything you learn and can disclose without penalty. Let us know how it turns out.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,515moderator
    Mostly we'd like to know about the secret features but I doubt very much they'll be revealed. However, if they could put to rest some unease about last minute additions causing overall system instability, that would be nice.

    Any info on ZFS support and how well implemented the Python/Ruby application scripting is.

    Does the resolution independence give much of a perfromance hit.

    Has the system been significantly optimized. There were reports about OS X being a good workstation but not a good server due to pthread allocation or something as a result of the microkernel. In short, how much faster is it than Tiger.

    How's Quartz 2D extreme coming along.

    Overall progress about Leopard's development and if it's going according to schedule.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well, I'm pretty sure a lot of these would be 'under NDA' if indeed we get any info on them at all, but I'll do my best.

    Someone said they went to the Boston talk, and it was stated that it was under NDA, so the best I may be able to do is get clarifications on public material. We'll see.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well, it was under NDA, and of the stuff that I can talk about, I was able to find the same info on the web. \

    Sooooooo... sorry guys, but nothing new to add here, except...

    Xcode, Cocoa, and CoreData. Use them. Love them. Live them. Do that, and you'll be sitting *very* pretty.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,515moderator
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    Well, it was under NDA, and of the stuff that I can talk about, I was able to find the same info on the web. \

    Sooooooo... sorry guys, but nothing new to add here

    Why don't we have a crying emoticon?

    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post


    Xcode, Cocoa, and CoreData. Use them. Love them. Live them. Do that, and you'll be sitting *very* pretty.

    Apple's been pushing Xcode, Cocoa and the use of Core frameworks for ages. Can you at least say that we should have nothing to worry about concerning Leopard's development status, stability and performance?

    Also, did they let you know about the secret features and if so, are any of them worth waiting for? Just a yes or no is fine. I'm sure it's ok if you can offer some assurance they won't cause any problems having a late introduction into the Leopard builds.

    I'm not sure if the release date is under NDA but is it sceduled for Spring i.e before June?
  • Reply 9 of 10
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    This was basically a traveling mini-WWDC, from what I could tell. Worth it for me, at least, since I didn't go to WWDC. So... about the same info. No idea on schedules or internals.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Resolution-independent GUI ??? ...Just say either: Bland, Sweet, Tasty or RedWine or WhiteWine :: that should cover your NDA.
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