Core Animation, Keynote 4, the Finder & Leopard?

in macOS edited January 2014
Brian Peat of ..has posted his take on Keynote 4 & Leopard's Core Animation. I agree with him, and think the Finder will get the same treatment too. All his thoughts are taken from his in-depth analysis of Steve Jobs' '07 Macworld keynote.

Here's a self-quote from an earlier thread I participated in;
Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

"I think the look of iTunes 7 is retro-modern. As in it looks both futuristic and old in a good good way at the same time. There's more though, besides the look of the UI per-say, I think Core Animation will play a big part where the use and interaction is concerned. And I definitely think there will be a completely rethought Finder, as in completely rethought. I think the Finder will be gone completely, and somthing entirely new will be used, which will rely heavily on spotlight, but more importantly will rely heavely on Core Animation. Core Animation is not just for visual wow factor, it can help represent visual transitions and effects that can tell your brain what's happening in a powerfully visual way (ala Time Machine). Take the iPhone for example; when the home button is pressed the current screen goes backwards and away from the user, and the home screen kind of comes in, in a way as to sort of make you feel at home. It's a very distinctive transition, and when you see it being pressed you think, ah yes, the home screen. I think this is the sort of thing we'll see in the Finder. I have a certain cat installed at the moment, and I can tell you by the look of it, Apple most definitely has one super secret build in Cupertino with lots of secret features. There's no way Apple would dare let a bug free version of their current seed out the door in a Leopard box. After looking at the iPhone UI, I expect not just a new look, but a revolution"

What's your take on the new but un-shown Finder?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    the exact same, no joke
  • Reply 2 of 4
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sthiede View Post

    the exact same, no joke

    Great! What excites me the most about Core Animation is the weightlessness of it. Look at the transitions it can do on a friggin' phone with little or no lag. They look pretty impressive, so one only has to let their mind go to think of the amazing possibilities that could be achived on an actual Mac computer. Apple's been working on Leopard for 2 years, just think about that. I just hope to God they have the sense to bundle iWork and iLife '07 disks as default with Leopard. It's apparent they will rely on Core Animation too, so if Apple gave them for free with Leopard (only option) for a $129 total price, I predict we'd see an 80-100% adoption rate of Leopard amongst Mac users. which would be amazing!! Remember "complete package", let's hope he meant this.
  • Reply 3 of 4

    "I think the look of iTunes 7 is retro-modern. As in it looks both futuristic and old in a good good way at the same time. There's more though, besides the look of the UI per-say, I think Core Animation will play a big part where the use and interaction is concerned. And I definitely think there will be a completely rethought Finder, as in completely rethought. I think the Finder will be gone completely, and somthing entirely new will be used, which will rely heavily on spotlight, but more importantly will rely heavely on Core Animation. Core Animation is not just for visual wow factor, it can help represent visual transitions and effects that can tell your brain what's happening in a powerfully visual way (ala Time Machine). Take the iPhone for example; when the home button is pressed the current screen goes backwards and away from the user, and the home screen kind of comes in, in a way as to sort of make you feel at home. It's a very distinctive transition, and when you see it being pressed you think, ah yes, the home screen. I think this is the sort of thing we'll see in the Finder. I have a certain cat installed at the moment, and I can tell you by the look of it, Apple most definitely has one super secret build in Cupertino with lots of secret features. There's no way Apple would dare let a bug free version of their current seed out the door in a Leopard box. After looking at the iPhone UI, I expect not just a new look, but a revolution"

    I completely agree. Nobody saw the iPhone coming. It was mythic. When it hit? Ker-POW!

    Kick in the knuts of the Cell phone makers. With Pit boots on.

    Similarly, with Vista 'catching up' to the Mac Tiger look (at least in a superficial way for most Windows journalists...) then the ball is well and truly in Apple's court to smash volley back.

    iPhone is running Leopard. Look at how amazing the interface is with Core Animation. It's a glaring hint(!) that the next GUI of Mac OS X will be an Uber fest.

    To me, Core Animation was the true Dark Horse of WWDC last year. But it was the biggest HINT(!) yet that we're due another GUI with Core Animation galore. Expose and Genie effects will seem quite tame by comparison.

    In short? I expect nothing short of a revolution. Or at least a dramatically re-done finder and stylism. iTunes, Spotlight, Cover Flow and loads of Core Animationisms. (Another whopper of a clue is Time Machine which looks amazing. Who'da thunk of that for HD file back up!??!?! Certainly not M$.)

    I can't wait for it to shove Dvorak's most recent comments right down his old journo hack throat...

    Lemon Bon Bon 8)

    PS. The delayed intro's of iLife 07 etc is another clue we're in for something special. They must be tied to the new OS in a big way...!
  • Reply 4 of 4
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    PS. The delayed intro's of iLife 07 etc is another clue we're in for something special. They must be tied to the new OS in a big way...!

    I think they are, iLife & iWork '07 will most likely rely heavily on Core Ani. and for that reasaon I think Apple might make them 10.5 only. I think they should use "the complete package" here, and sell Leopard for between $129+$149, depending on whether you want them or not. That would be huge... or just make it $129 all inclusive, now that would be a clever move, and i've my money waiting.
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