Article re Feb 20th MBP and Leopard event !

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Rumor of course, but perhaps it will turn out to have some validity? FROM:

"We have just gotten an anonymous tip from a source that indicates that Apple is planning a special event on February 20 to introduce Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), iLife ?07 and iWork ?07 as well as updated Mac Pros. Mac Pros will be available immediately with a free upgrade to 10.5 when it ships, and the ship date for 10.5 will be confirmed for 3/24/07 as we have been predicting for quite some time now. There is some speculation that we may see a week earlier or later for this event, depending on the status of Leopard, but this is the most likely date which is being planned (by this time, Leopard?s new interface will be complete and the OS will be finishing up testing). What better way to demo Leopard than with a brand new 8-core Mac Pro?

Many will remember that last year, not long after Macworld, Apple had a special event on February 28, 2006, to introduce new Intel Mac Minis and iPod HiFi (see their PR archive here).

The real question on everyone?s mind, however, is?

will we see anything unexpected? Like an updated touchscreen iPod? Or perhaps a 12″ ultra-portable Mac Book Pro? We continue to believe that it?s still going to be a little bit longer before we see either of those? NAB is coming up in April (the 14th-19th) and we?d peg updated Mac Book Pros at this event.

And then, dear Apple Recon Reader (ARR!! , when will we see the full screen iPod and updated Mac Minis, iMacs, etc.? We don?t have any recon on that, so we?re not just going to make up something like some of the other guys would?if you have any ideas, sound off in the comments section below!

As always, a couple seconds out of your day to Digg us means a great deal to our humble site (more viewers = more exposure, more exposure = more sources, more sources = more recon), much appreciated!!

Digg It!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007 at 7:40 am and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. "


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Interesting. So we're looking at Leopard 10.5 and iLife'07, iWork'07, being IN USERS HANDS in April 2007.

    Nice. Looks like I'll give 2 months for bug fixing, then jump on in July 2007.

    Hopefully they'll have a nice bundle deal for Leopard 10.5, iLife'07, and iWork'07.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Looking good for the April-May-June 2007 financial quarter

    to drive Mac and Apple Software sales.

    There could be some strong overflow synergy in the period

    May-June-July-August-September 2007 with Adobe|Macromedia CS3 UniversalBinary release.

    Things are shaping up solid for apple.

    2nd half 2007 will be FRIGGIN MASSIVE for Apple Inc. Macs, Software, iPhone.

    a nice fresh iPod line 2ndh half 2007 to sweeten the pot. AWESOME.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Isn't it physically impossible for Leopard to be ready March 24th, particularly if fancy Top Secret features are unveiled just a month prior?

    A special event around Feb 20th sounds reasonable--even necessary--though. It'd be freaking awesome if this all happened, but the March 24th thing and the "we desperately want clicks" bit make this droog a doubter. I'll wager an event in February but a release around late April at the earliest (by the way, "spring" is officially 3/20-6/21, which is silly temperature- or distance-to-the-sun-wise--what is understood in the US by "spring"?).
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