What have I done?
Need some help from more experienced Apple users than I (i.e. everyone).
I just got my first Apple, an ibook, the other week, and installed Jaguar. Then today I decided to rename my hard-drive icon. Didn't cause any problems until I shut down. Upon restarting, all of my preferences were gone, and most importantly, my address book and Mail content were missing.
I hope/think there is a simple solution to this, but I am still figuring out Apples, and am lost. I want very much to be a happy "switcher" and here is your chance to ensure that!
Any clues on how to restore my computer preferences and Address Book and Mail content? Renaming the hard-drive to the original name and restarting had no effect.
Thank you very much
I just got my first Apple, an ibook, the other week, and installed Jaguar. Then today I decided to rename my hard-drive icon. Didn't cause any problems until I shut down. Upon restarting, all of my preferences were gone, and most importantly, my address book and Mail content were missing.
I hope/think there is a simple solution to this, but I am still figuring out Apples, and am lost. I want very much to be a happy "switcher" and here is your chance to ensure that!
Any clues on how to restore my computer preferences and Address Book and Mail content? Renaming the hard-drive to the original name and restarting had no effect.
Thank you very much
Are you sure renamed it *exactly* what it was before?
(And, as a friendly bit of advice, you're more likely to get a timely and full response in the Genius Bar...
[ 10-25-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
??how did you do this...didn't even know you could change the name there....why didn't you just change the name like you do a file or folder?? it's the same as with PC computers....click on the name once and it is highlighted...then just type the new name....as for changing the home in the user.....sorry, gonna need smarter people than i...luckily there are many here....good luck....g
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