Anyone think Nanos will be boosted

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
So my nano stopped working about three days after the warranty expired. I have been debating about buying another, but I want more storage than 8GB, more like 12 or 16... Anyone think this is coming down the pipe? It amazed me when the iPhone was only announced with 4 and 8GB versions, so my instinct is that they won't increase the nano, but it has been a while now.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    They introduced the 2/4GB 1Gen Nano in September 2005, and the 2/4/8GB 2Gen Nano in September 2006. I think it will be a while before you see anything larger than 8GB in the Nano. And I would have to disagree that "it has been a while now:" the 8GB Nanos are practically brand-new.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    i was soo hoping for soething larger then 8GB. i still have hopes for atleast 10gb. its not like they cant do it.
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