We are all zealots deep down!- the cult of Mac is over?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well I don't know about you but finally I think Mac users are getting our just deserts- Apple are finally getting the credit they deserve- do you feel slightly angry at the bandwagoners??? (we've been giving it the 'I said so' for years) I don't know why but for 15 years (maybe more for some others but I've been saying it since the 9600 PPC Mac OS8 years) I've been saying that Macs are 'better' than PCs- and now it seems everyone is realizing there seems to be nothing to shout about with Windows. Yeh we've been accused of being zealots etc. but I feel our work is starting to be done. I just hope that Apple don't start to abuse their position by introducing stupid things because the markets expect them. I hope Apple stay clear of thought- I hope the OS X/Vista choice will mean that Apple don't become 'in over their heads'.

We all have a little zealot in us- let's be honest that's what keeps forums like this going- since when have you seen a Microsoft Windows forum that doesn't just discuss how to be a borg or how to delete the latest spy-wear I have got.

Something tells me- it's time to lay our arms down and welcome the soon to be majority. Apple has the biggest market share it has ever had and I'm proud inside! Let's be happy in 5 years time it will be 50/50- in ten we should hope for the best!


(Preaching over- yeh it's people like me that give Mac a bad name etc- but I said what you wanted to say!!!)



  • Reply 1 of 2
    i dont hope for that many more people... i dont want windows viruses
  • Reply 2 of 2
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Originally Posted by polarissucks View Post

    i dont hope for that many more people... i dont want windows viruses

    I agree.

    They're likely going to come tho'.

    I'd be perfectly happy now if I had of had $20k of whatthefuckdoidowithit money around 10 years ago. Thrown it into APPL stock in blind belief. Hell, even 3 years ago and you'd still be doing great - without trading actively. Just sitting ....

    With the change of direction now to APPL Inc I think the future is really really good.

    Opportunity abounds.

    Smart cookies over at the Apple shop, always have been ( apart from the dark years) - but then we always knew that.

    Still haven't got any whatthefuckdoidowithit, tho ...

    edit: I really hope MacOs does NOT become majority. My hope is that there enough savvy educators out there to point the way to Linux.

    Show them MacOS for an appreciation of implementation - hardware, design and software. Let them choose.

    In 15 years time - Windoz ? oh yeah well that was a huge OS in it's day that imploded through lack of innovation.

    Boy, did they spend some money trying to hang on to what they had.
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