What do you guys think of this mock-up design I did for my site?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Rest assured the finished site wont be done in iWeb, it's just a design mock-up.. and any button or tab that gets pressed on the real thing will use AJAX technology. No reloading the web page here. This is just a demo for me to get a feel for where I wanted to go with the site from a design and use point of view, and since iWeb requires very few brain cells to use and is a snap to bang out a design, I figured it was the best way to get from my head to paper here

/by the way that front page will be empty when the site launches.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    At the top of the site where it says "Click A Shamrock.com" You might want to change the color, and the color of the backround. Other then that I thought it was a pretty good idea.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by playcrackthesky View Post

    At the top of the site where it says "Click A Shamrock.com" You might want to change the color, and the color of the backround. Other then that I thought it was a pretty good idea.

    Thank you very much, any input I get I'm greatful for. I know you suggested changing the color, but the colors I chose were to give the site a certain retro pajamas type feel (best way I can explain what I mean). Still, I'm curious what color had you in mind?
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