speculation on computers

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I've been thinking of a few things Apple could do with their computers... just a little speculation. Why don't they release a tower style computer that, because it is a tower, would be highly customizable and could range from low end users to high end users? The only computer of theirs that has any level of real customization potential is the G5, but that starts at over two grand. One of the things I hear PC users complain about is how you can't really upgrade, say, an iMac- when you want to have a better computer the easiest thing to do is to get rid of the one you have and buy a new one. I grew up using macs, and still do, but since I have a large interest in gaming I assembled my own PC to allow me play games such as Half-Life 2. Take a mac, add SLI compatibility and a wide range of hardware and you can have a gaming computer- that just works. Of course if you have a very wide range of hardware you usually end up with a lot of compatibility issues, but if you just had, instead of the full range of hardware available, a smaller range of hardware that provides all the levels of performance it could probably work. I love how macs just work, and i love how PCs can be customized- thought it might be cool if you could get the two together. Such a thing probably wouldn't be very realistic but hey, if the iPhone does end up replacing the blackberry, who knows maybe they might have enough money to throw around for it.

EDIT: holy crap I didn't notice someone had the exact same idea as me like.... a few topics down lol if you guys want me to delete this then alright


  • Reply 1 of 5
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Oh, that someone else is just the tip of the iceberg. "XMac", "headless iMac", "mid-sized tower", and "expandable Mini" threads are a staple of Mac forums the world over. The one you currently see here is just the latest in a long line.

    Obviously, a lot of us would like Apple to mac an easily upgradable desktop machine for something less than the $2500 pro tower buy in price.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Well, I've said it before so wtf I'll say it again.

    Never really saw the need for a mid/headless Mac. But now is really different - multicore beasts are fine for high end.

    The processor speeds are now at a point when many of us are looking for a media server solution that's bloody well expandable !

    Sheesh, the latest iMacs are a gimme - but no expansion. Yes fw, but no expansion beyond that. Apple give us a couple of slots for express cards, pls. Sheesh, even one would do for most.

    The time has come, imo - the clock ticketh ...

    I don't care in what shape or form it comes in - although a slim-line box would be good, horiz or vert in design - anything.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    This has been discussed endlessly, essentially what I gather is that most people think this will never happen. I would like it as much as the next guy but it just is not realistic.

    BTW Apple does not have a G5 starting at over 2 grand that you can currently buy. Their tower based Mac Pro is $2499 and utilizes Intel microprocessors. In fact they do not have any computers that use those processors any more, they are all Intel.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Ah yes sorry I meant mac pro. Well I guess I can only just hope...
  • Reply 5 of 5
    bevosbevos Posts: 59member
    I use to be into upgrades. Now days I just buy the new model when it come out. Mac have such good resell value most of the time when you sell get close to what you brought it for. Best time to upgrade is when there's a generation jump, across the board. G3 to G4, G4 to G5, G5 to Intel Core Duo, so on and so on.

    I found if you keep in the entry level high-end the resell is best. Im currently with 24" iMac Core Duo, it cost about average $640us a year to keep up-to-date. Thats my average for 7 year start.

    Do invest in more RAM and big screens, It has always been good investment.
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