Got my new apple ... but have to get rid of it

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I got my brand new iMac 24" today but its got two damn stuck pixels in the screen , so on any black screen it just glares out. i havnt phoned apple yet.but dang i am sad


  • Reply 1 of 11
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    That sucks. Don't accept those dead pixels I'd say! Good luck
  • Reply 2 of 11
    you think they will take it back?? like to fix it? what is apples hours
  • Reply 3 of 11
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Sorry to hear that. You have to be firm (but not rude) and demand a replacement free of charge, you may have to pay some shipping charges, but DO NOT accept that you have to pay restocking fees. Be very clear (but not nasty) with Apple Canada. Who did you order from? If it is a reseller try and deal with them first, if all else fails call Apple Canada

    Call 1-800-MY-APPLE

    or 1-800-676-2775

    or 1-800-263-3394

    If they will accept it back to replace the LCD, then that is cool too.

    Good luck.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Same thing happended to me when I switched, that's LCD technology for you, I can't wait for it to be gone. They gave me a new Mac, don't take no for an answer. If they see you are really pissed off about it, rest assured they'll sort you.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    You shouldn't have to pay any shipping fees. If they try to say that you have to pay shipping fees, make it perfectly clear how disappointed you are that "I just spent so much money on my new Mac, to only have a couple pixels be dead -- which isn't even my fault! -- to then have to pay for shipping to get it fixed!? what the f**k kind of messed up company and products is this?"

    Then they should be like "we better just send him a new one or pay the shipping fees". Keep the customers happy!

    Nice choice of computer, though.


    The only consolation I could offer is that it's a big screen, so there are a lot of pixels that could potentially be DOA. Especially if the computer is handled roughly by jealous postal workers or couriers lol

    Apple will/should fix it free of charge and fast.
  • Reply 6 of 11
    mikefmikef Posts: 698member
    I'm glad to see the tables are turning with respect to acceptance of defective LCD displays!

    Consumers allowed this to happen (let manufacturers push us around with accepting a defective display) and I'm glad consumers are now not accepting 1 dead/stuck pixel instead of what policy dictates.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Same thing happended to me when I switched, that's LCD technology for you, I can't wait for it to be gone.

    Damn right. My old CRT goes up to 1920x1440 resolution and has no dead pixels and cost me £30 about 2 years ago. My brother has a £1300 iMac and it has a dead pixel and the screen overall looks like crap compared to my screen. Of course he still gets the upper hand because he has a good GPU. Damn you Apple, put a good GPU in the Mac Mini already!

    My brother didn't get his machine replaced, because you can hardly see the dot. Who's to say you won't get 3 dead pixels with your replacement machine? Also, my brother's pixel died a while after he got it so they can happen at any time. One thing you can try is changing monitor resolution - that sometimes wakes 'em up.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by mikef View Post

    I'm glad to see the tables are turning with respect to acceptance of defective LCD displays!

    Consumers allowed this to happen (let manufacturers push us around with accepting a defective display) and I'm glad consumers are now not accepting 1 dead/stuck pixel instead of what policy dictates.

    Yes. I have written previously about my fear of dead pixels after I got hit with 3 dead on a 20" (plastic - old skool) Apple Cinema Display in 2004, and 3 dead on a Sony 17" in 2005. Then 1 dead and two white spots on my eBay-purchased MacBook in 2007.

    Things are getting better. In Malaysia my mum totally badgered the Sony HQ Malaysia Repair people into ordering a new panel from Japan (took 3 months, I used the monitor in the meantime... took about 3-4 days to swap out the panels when it arrived).

    Additionally, about a few weeks ago AppleCentre Malvern (CompNow) in Melbourne, Australia agreed to replace my LCD.

    As resolutions get higher, 1 dead pixel may be quite common in displays because it is just not noticeable.

    But I still feel, even 1 dead pixel, is not acceptable for the consumer at this stage of things.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Yes. I have written previously about my fear of dead pixels after I got hit with 3 dead on a 20" (plastic - old skool) Apple Cinema Display in 2004, and 3 dead on a Sony 17" in 2005. Then 1 dead and two white spots on my eBay-purchased MacBook in 2007.

    Things are getting better. In Malaysia my mum totally badgered the Sony HQ Malaysia Repair people into ordering a new panel from Japan (took 3 months, I used the monitor in the meantime... took about 3-4 days to swap out the panels when it arrived).

    Additionally, about a few weeks ago AppleCentre Malvern (CompNow) in Melbourne, Australia agreed to replace my LCD.

    As resolutions get higher, 1 dead pixel may be quite common in displays because it is just not noticeable.

    But I still feel, even 1 dead pixel, is not acceptable for the consumer at this stage of things.

    try this first, , it's a stuck pixel fixer. it apparently works 60 percent of the time. just run it and make it full screen and leave it over night and see if it unsticks the pixels

    edit: don't look at your screen while you run it, you'll ceize up and die.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Damn right. My old CRT goes up to 1920x1440 resolution and has no dead pixels and cost me £30 about 2 years ago. My brother has a £1300 iMac and it has a dead pixel and the screen overall looks like crap compared to my screen. Of course he still gets the upper hand because he has a good GPU. Damn you Apple, put a good GPU in the Mac Mini already!

    If he bought the mac online in the UK, I'd have sent it back under the distance selling regulations. The most they can charge you is return shipping; you get your money back. Then order a new mac. Repeat until you get one you like

  • Reply 11 of 11
    if you don't feel like shipping it back then try my idea first but if it doesn't succeed then ship it back.
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