Apple Graphing Calc. Story

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I stumbled around this very cool little video that tells an interesting story, from the point of view of an Apple "employee".

Be warned, it's an hour long video, but if you are into apple, you will love it.



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    solarsolar Posts: 84member
    Originally Posted by Bradg View Post

    I stumbled around this very cool little video that tells an interesting story, from the point of view of an Apple "employee".

    Be warned, it's an hour long video, but if you are into apple, you will love it.


    Thanks for the link.

    I hadn't seen this before, it's crazy. I had know idea this is how the first Native PPC app came into existence. Sneaking into Apple every day with expired badges, people secretly giving them prototype hardware.. You can't make this stuff up! 8)
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