I would appreciate some help (research)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hey, i'm new to forums in general so i really don't know what i'm doing.

Basically i'm doing a research papaer on Cult Brands and of course the lovely Apple falls in that category. And of course ive left it all a bit last minute so i be freaking out, like i always do. So i wont be asking the right questions

Just wanted to know about Apple users, as i myself am not one, boring old Windows for me.

I would appreciate it if anyone would be able to answer a few questions (they're pretty much the same, sorry):

1. Why Apple? Do you feel passionate about them, if so why?

2. Can anyone actually say their advertising affects the way the see Apple, and as a result they converted to Apple?

3. Does Apple go out of their way to ensure your happyness?

4. Do Apple stop caring after the year warrenty has run out like other companies? Are they nicer if you take out an extended warrenty?

5. Whats Apple's aftercare service like?

6. Have you refered anyone to use Apple products? If so, why?

Im sure ive missed out lots, but i hope you get the gist,
i just wanna know why Apple customers have such strong bonds with consumers, and how they achieved it.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    I don't have time to answer all those questions right now, but no advertising didn't get me to choose the Mac, I just wanted a change and loved the computers to look at. Apple aren't seen as cult as much these days, they are leaving that cult status behind and are becoming a more mainstream player everyday. Oh, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have switched for ease of use and all round stability too.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    1. Yeah, I am passionate about Macs. They work, they look great, the apps flow smoothly together, things are intuitive and I have never had a virus. Apple design blows any other maker out of the water.

    2. I was an Apple customer before the first Macs, so I have not been influenced by advertising.

    3. Yeah. They keep coming out with great designs, they push the envelope forcing other makers to improve and they try to improve on the apps they have. Sometimes they are slower than I wish, and customer support in Japan has been far from great (it seems to be very different in the US), but overall I would say yes, they try to make me happy.

    4. Apple Japan will not even answer a basic question the day after the one year warranty runs out; if you agree to purchase over the phone the extended warranty, they will very happily answer any question you have. This is a sad state from my perspective as I have several machines, and have been a long term customer. Companies like LL Bean (of which I am also a big fan) have great customer care.

    5. Generally pretty good. Apple Japan has a bad rep of not being able to fix things and often sending back repaired machines with new problems. Again, this does not seme to be the case in the US. Turn around can be very quick. One thing that I would like to see as a business user is a temporary machine for use while the purchased one is being repaired; the down time hurts the buyer, but Apple makes money form the repair.

    6. I have referred lots of people to Apple products and have likely converted about 300 people, five companies and two schools. PCs have too many problems, especially for the average user. Macs come ready for hard work and produce excellent results easily.

    My first Mac, a MacPlus, lasted 13 years without a hardware problem. That is one reason I am a MacFan.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    1) I grew up on a Mac IIsi and some sort of PC running DOS and Windows 3.1. I could actually do things on a Mac. Then again, I was like 6 years old...

    2) Advertising has a big influence on the perception on Apple as a company. However I never witnessed a commercial changing someone's mind. It has always been recommendations, ease-of-use, and Windows errors/problems that caused people I know to switch.

    3) Not really. They are a company and look out for themselves. That said, they do take feedback and suggestions seriously and I think I even got a phone call in regards to some Aperture suggestions I submitted, but I wasn't home.

    4) You know what... I am the kind of person who will void the warrantee long before it expires. I couldn't tell you. However, I have had warrantee service on an iPod that was less than smooth. (Took 3 tries) But warrantee work on my laptop only took 2 tries. I say this is where Apple has much room to improve.

    5)After the warrantee expires, I don't bother letting Apple to fix it. It no doubt costs too much in my opinion. But I am a geek and build computers so I can usually handle the little things.

    6) Oh yea. I convinces a whole handful of people to switch. Mostly people who don't want to spend time maintaining their computers. And a few heard me say "good thing I have a Mac" enough for it to stick.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    1. Why Apple? Do you feel passionate about them, if so why? In my estimation, they are the best at what they do. When this ceases to be, then I will loose my affection for them.

    2. Can anyone actually say their advertising affects the way the see Apple, and as a result they converted to Apple? Did not affect me. I don’t watch enough TV to see their commercials.

    3. Does Apple go out of their way to ensure your happyness? No

    4. Do Apple stop caring after the year warrenty has run out like other companies? Are they nicer if you take out an extended warrenty? Don’t know – to answer that I would have to have experience with an in warranty and out of warranty product of the same caliber.

    5. Whats Apple's aftercare service like? Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

    6. Have you referred anyone to use Apple products? If so, why? Yes – see answer #1
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Cool. I'm part of a "Cult Brand" now. Yay for me!!! 8)
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