"Erased" one side of my XRAID volume.

in macOS edited January 2014
The Setup...

Xraid @ RAID 50.

10 drives @ 500 GBs.

5 on each side.

3.64 in RAID 50.

The short version: Within Disk Utility I accidentally "erased" one side of my RAID. I essentially did a quick erase on one of the RAID volumes. I now see one side of my Xraid as "untitled" within my drives. The XRAID volume is still visible within Disk Utilities.

The long version....

We were out of space on our Xraid. We use it for video editing, DVD creation, etc. We needed to max it out with four more drives. I rented another Xraid to use as storage during the transfer. I bought four more drives to add to the RAID. I plugged in the rented Xraid and opened Disk Utility. LOTS of partitions showed up. I started clicking and "erase"ing. The third partition I erased was one half of my Xraid configuration. This drive was erased and a new volume showed up as "untitled" on the desktop. My heart beat faster, thoughts of all the hours of video, audio, projects and man hours surged through my head in an instant. I realized what I had done.

So far I've talked to Apple support who says to call DriveSavers.

I've talked to DriveSavers. They quoted between $9K - 86K, depending on turn around time, ease of the fix, etc.

I talked to another company who quoted $3500 - $18,000.

I have Disk Warrior, Norton System Tools, and Tech Tools in house.

I am afraid this is going to either cost a huge amount of money or more than likely, we'll need to opt to rebuild everything from scratch. Either way... This *****.

My fault completely. I know it and I don't know what to do.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working or others who could solve this issue for a lesser price?
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