Dreamweaver 8 FTP problems

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
So I use Dreamweaver 8 everyday at work, so I'm fairly familiar with it. A customer called and said that she had purchased it for her Mac, and wanted me to give her some basic training on it. No biggy... except that it refused to connect to any FTP that I knew of. Out of curiosity I installed it on my PowerBook... same thing. I can use a freeware FTP utility and connect just fine, but Dreamweaver won't. It'll let me know the login/pass/address are correct, but then it just times out and never fully connects.

Any ideas??


  • Reply 1 of 2

    Anyone have ANY ideas?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by MoonShadow View Post


    Anyone have ANY ideas?

    Get a separate FTP program. I've been using Dreamweaver for years on Windows and Mac and more times on the Mac have I had serious problems overall with it. Especially the FTP.

    Only thing to do I think is go into the Sites manager and delete the site (not the website but the login & FTP info) that is giving you problems and re-enter the information again, close and re-start Dreamweaver.

    If that don't work, do what I do...use a separate FTP program like Transmit.
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