CD/DVD stuck in slot of G4 laptop

in macOS edited January 2014
Hi All,

Updated the system software through the update download ferature under the Apple menu. Upon restart, it never got passed the gray screen with an apple on it. Tried this a few times. Forced power down (holding power button down for a few seconds) each time.

Restarted with shift key down...same results. Tried starting up with option key down...same result. Tried starting with "c" key down while feeding the 1st (Apple) install disk in the slot. It accepted it and began asking questions for a system install. Quit the installer and nothing but a square mac icon with a smiley face and a blinking question mark. It will not eject the CD/DVD. In the meantime I found an Applecare emergency startup disc. I would like to try that but cannot get the existing CD/DVD out of the laptop. Called Applecare experts and they say to bring it to where you bought it??

Any thoughts?




  • Reply 1 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Try holding down the left mouse/trackpad button on startup. If that doesn't work use a paperclip.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Thanks for your reply...

    Tried the mouse luck. There is no paperclip hole in this g4 laptop.

  • Reply 3 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    No, put the paperclip in your tear-duct so you cannot cry.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    amoryaamorya Posts: 1,103member
    Originally Posted by TnMike View Post

    Thanks for your reply...

    Tried the mouse luck. There is no paperclip hole in this g4 laptop.


    The paperclip goes in the very edge of the slot itself. There's a hole for it, but you can't see it 'cos it looks like part of the slot. I believe it's the right hand side, but check your documentation.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,449moderator
    Some machines don't have the paperclip hole. I think my old G4 powerbook had one but I'm not sure. You can boot into open firmware and eject the cd though.

    Hold command-option-o-f while booting

    then type eject cd and hit return

    then type mac-boot and hit return
  • Reply 6 of 6
    If the drive itself is busted (as mine was) you need to actually and physically disassemble the laptop. Yep. That's what you get reduced to.

    Pissed me right off. And yes, I did everything in this thread, elsewhere and more. The drive was simply broken.
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