Lacie d2 doesn't mount...what can I do?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Over a year ago (damn, that warranty), I bought a 300GB Lacie d2 with triple interface. Stored about 100GB of photos on it, and my music. About a month or so ago, I would have problems mounting it with Firewire. I would turn it off, unplugg it, and turn it on, where the blue light would blink and flicker as long as possible. I would turn it off, plug it back in, and then it would dock. I did this yesterday, and was putting more stuff on it. In the middle of transfering my files, I hear a *wonk* and it stops. No more transfer. Now nothing will dock, and that blue light still flickers, but nothing is ever found by disk utility etc. Ran the Data Rescue II demo, but it didn't see anything.

What to do?

I'm done with Lacie, that's for sure (so recommend me a new company for one).

Can I just boot it up one more time to put the rest of the new stuff on CDs, and transfer it to a new external?

Help. Sad photo student here.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    someone correct me if i'm wrong, but there isnt a WHOLE lot you can do if firewire drives arent recognized. the usual stuff is try with different cable, try providing the drive alternate power if available, try on a different computer, etc. other than that, if diskwarrior and the utilities that come with the drive can't see anything...
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Originally Posted by asomers37 View Post

    Over a year ago (damn, that warranty), I bought a 300GB Lacie d2 with triple interface. Stored about 100GB of photos on it, and my music. About a month or so ago, I would have problems mounting it with Firewire. I would turn it off, unplugg it, and turn it on, where the blue light would blink and flicker as long as possible. I would turn it off, plug it back in, and then it would dock. I did this yesterday, and was putting more stuff on it. In the middle of transfering my files, I hear a *wonk* and it stops. No more transfer. Now nothing will dock, and that blue light still flickers, but nothing is ever found by disk utility etc. Ran the Data Rescue II demo, but it didn't see anything.

    What to do?

    I'm done with Lacie, that's for sure (so recommend me a new company for one).

    Can I just boot it up one more time to put the rest of the new stuff on CDs, and transfer it to a new external?

    Help. Sad photo student here.

    Sorry to hear - same thing happened to me with a LaCie - turned out something had shorted or broken at the point where the firewire plug attaches to the board inside the case. Long story short, removed the HD from the aluminum casing, stuck it in an empty slot in a G4 PowerMac and voila! All the files were still there. This of course voids the warranty on the LaCie, but I got all the files back (which I guess is the important thing for you too). If you don't have a spare drive bay in a computer, there are a number of external Firewire or USB cases available which can mount the HD. Best of luck.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    As mentioned, try using a USB cable or alternate firewire cable. The fact it stopped during a copy doesn't sound good but I've had a firewire enclosure do that and it works just fine over USB.
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