MacBook trackpad, screen, hard drive, mouse

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi folks

Just got a MacBook and have become an instant cliched Mac fanatic. Just a few small queries:

1. About the trackpad: is it normal, when clicking the button on the trackpad, to experience a kind of 'pre-click', which is both heard (very faintly) and felt, so the overall feeling of clicking is a two-stage process rather than just one? I find this a little bit annoying, but I'll put up with it is it's normal. I also notice the trackpad itself has a slightly 'feathery' feel to it.

2. My screen has a number of scratches on it. They can really only be seen in direct sunlight, from a certain angle. I guess this is normal, it's probably impossible to find one of these shiny screens that doesn't have any scratches? I do notice that the Macbook edges don't meet up when it's closed - there is a slight gap (a few millimetres) and when closed you can see through (at least partially) from one end/side of the Macbook to the other.

3. I've got a 120 Gig hard drive, and straight away just over 20 Gigs are already used up by the operating system. Normal? I knew Windows was bulky but does OS X really need 20 Gigs?

4. In light of the above, I'm thinking of getting an external hard drive to house my media collection, so I don't clutter up the Macbook's drive. Any recommendations?

5. I need a mouse and insist on a right button and scroll wheel, is the Apple 'Mighty Mouse' worth getting?




  • Reply 1 of 11
    smaxsmax Posts: 361member
    3: There's a bunch of preinstalled stuff on there... GarageBand alone is huge. You can try uninstalling a few things... I'd recommend just doing a clean install and only put what you wnt on your computer. Considering you haven't had it for long, this shouldn't be too painful.

    4: I'm a fan of WD MyBooks, but Lacie makes a good drive too. Or you could just get your own enclosure and hard drive and make your own... Just look for something with Firewire, you won't regret it.

    5: Personally I don't like the Mighty Mouse at all. Go grab a Logitech. :P
  • Reply 2 of 11
    I will comment on 5.

    Apple 'Mighty Mouse' = Awesome

    It is worth every penny, once you get used to lifting your left finger to right click, its is an absolute joy to use. the ability to program the buttons of the mouse makes using expose so much easier.

    So definiatly worth getting!
  • Reply 3 of 11
    1. I have a new MacBook Pro and am typing on it as we speak and don't notice any preclick as your describe. It does sound rather annoying though!

    3. I would agree with the clean install option and recommend doing it before you start loading anything up on your drive.

    4. I have a LaCie hard drive with firewire 800, which unfortunately the MacBook doesn't come with but I would highly recommend the LaCie brand to you. I have also heard rave reviews of the WD MyBooks as well.

    5. I have the wireless mighty mouse and LOVE IT! Like ChrisDaMacMan said, getting used to lifting your right finger takes a day or so to get used to, but having the option of using expose makes it worth it! I will use this one till it dies and then probably by another one to replace it if that ever was to happen.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    Thanks for the replies folks.

    Re. the 'pre-click' phenomenon: it seems to be intermittent, and occur more when clicking towards the ends of the trackpad button. It's maybe caused by some little electric contact engaging? (Anyone who knows anything about electronics will have immediately sussed from that last sentence that I know nothing!)

    If I tap on thr button, but not hard enough to trigger a click, I hear a little high-pitched noise, faint, but noticible. I jut worry that something is loose which could become looser and cause a problem?


  • Reply 5 of 11
    koheikohei Posts: 4member
    Hi johncarvill, I am a MBP 15 2.33 user, I have the similar problem to the point no.1 you mentioned.

    You can 'try' this problem by pressing the left part of the trackpad button softly(just touch and hold on it), then try to use another hand to press the right part of the button...

    you can now feel the loosen of the trackpad. This is my case. If I do the other way around, the left part does not have the loosen touch feeling like on the right.

    Anyone have idea about the issue? Should I talk to Apple care?

  • Reply 6 of 11
    Welcome John and Kohei!

    I have an older PowerBook which has a similar click to the one Kohei is discussion on the track pad button; it is not even from left to right, but I got used to it in about a day so it doesn't bother me at all.

    My wife has the MacBook (a very different keyboard indeed) and I typed on it a little last night but didn't notice any odd noises, but then I was distracted by the small overall size (I have to get a new PB as my curent one is beginning to show age after three years of incredible abuse).

    The Mighty Mouse is great. I have three, one for each machine. I have used other makes, but the MM is the one I prefer.

    An external HD is a must. You should regularly backup data just in case; trust me.

    The system comes as a huge install: language kits (especially Asian ones) take up lots of space, as do other apps you might not want or need. You can trim things down quite a bit. Also never fill your HD, as it will work slower and also you won't suddenly be able to import and work on your next motion picture.

    Don't know about the scratches; you may want to call Apple. My PB is three years old, the case is dented, the keyboard dusty and the latch button slightly browned from repeated use, but the screen doesn't have a scratch on it (I am rather fanatical about protecting my screens).
  • Reply 7 of 11
    koheikohei Posts: 4member
    Thanks for your reply Bergermeister.

    So that means the trackpad defect has been a traditional 'gift' from Apple

    My mbp is only one and a half month old though...

    For me I found it quite annoying because it makes you feel so uneven to click...alright, i got to accept it then..

    I tried macbook's keyboard too, i don't like it. It feels like a board with many "switches" rather than a keyboard. \
  • Reply 8 of 11
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by kohei View Post

    Thanks for your reply Bergermeister.

    So that means the trackpad defect has been a traditional 'gift' from Apple

    My mbp is only one and a half month old though...

    For me I found it quite annoying because it makes you feel so uneven to click...alright, i got to accept it then..

    I tried macbook's keyboard too, i don't like it. It feels like a board with many "switches" rather than a keyboard. \

    A Board with many switches?

    I'll have you know that everytime I touch a desktop Keyboard I want to throw the thing through the nearest window and everything around it as well (which just happens to be my HP which I don't use much anymore except to run Spy Sweeper for my Mom) after getting used to my Macbook's keyboard in 2 days.

  • Reply 9 of 11
    I took my MacBook in to see a 'Genius' at the local Apple store and - to nobody's great surprise - he basically said there's nothing wrong with it. After taking it away for a listen in a quiet place, he came back and confirmed that yes he could hear that slight pre-click, but reckoned that maybe "they all do that and I just haven't noticed before".

    He did take a note of my MacBook's serial number so they at least have a record that I mentioned this problem early on. He said I could have the whole trackpad replaced under warranty but advised me not to bother.

    He also, as with every Apple person you speak to, offered to sell me Apple Care for £199, saying it's worth it blah every repair costs at least £200 - like that's something to boast about!

    Anyway I'm just going to learn to live with the pre-click thing. I'll only notice it when I'm using the MacBook without a mouse, and who knows, I could get a new Trackpad installed and find it's teh same, or even find myself with some other problem.


  • Reply 10 of 11
    koheikohei Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    A Board with many switches?

    I'll have you know that everytime I touch a desktop Keyboard I want to throw the thing through the nearest window and everything around it as well (which just happens to be my HP which I don't use much anymore except to run Spy Sweeper for my Mom) after getting used to my Macbook's keyboard in 2 days.


    I was an iBook user, and I really love the iBook keyboard. When I wanted to get the macbook, tried with the new keyboard, I realize I prefer the keys to stick side by side together rather than the style we have in Macbook. I mean, it is not bad but I just prefer the old keyboard layout like the powerbook/ibook.

  • Reply 11 of 11
    koheikohei Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by johncarvill View Post

    I took my MacBook in to see a 'Genius' at the local Apple store and - to nobody's great surprise - he basically said there's nothing wrong with it. After taking it away for a listen in a quiet place, he came back and confirmed that yes he could hear that slight pre-click, but reckoned that maybe "they all do that and I just haven't noticed before".

    He did take a note of my MacBook's serial number so they at least have a record that I mentioned this problem early on. He said I could have the whole trackpad replaced under warranty but advised me not to bother.

    He also, as with every Apple person you speak to, offered to sell me Apple Care for £199, saying it's worth it blah every repair costs at least £200 - like that's something to boast about!

    Anyway I'm just going to learn to live with the pre-click thing. I'll only notice it when I'm using the MacBook without a mouse, and who knows, I could get a new Trackpad installed and find it's teh same, or even find myself with some other problem.



    i am trying to get used to it by forcing my self to stay and the left half of the trackpad, when I click on the centre part I just can't stand for the pre-click noise!
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