iTunes Playlist / Metadata Help

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Hey all...

I have a few questions about iTunes...

1) If I have a smart playlist, say added since a certain date, is there a way to ask iTunes to only show music and not audiobooks or TV shows or movies?

2) Is there a way to not have music videos as part of the "Music" library? Is there a "Music Videos" section, like there is a Movies or TV Show section?

3) Is there a better way for me to tag movies? Right now all I can really enter is the title and year, and that is done in the audio tagging section. If I have a TV show, I can tag the season, show, episode ID and the epiusode #, but why don't I have video tagging options for Movies or Music videos?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by AgNuke1707 View Post

    1) If I have a smart playlist, say added since a certain date, is there a way to ask iTunes to only show music and not audiobooks or TV shows or movies?

    Can you not just filter by genre?

    When you are editing the smart playlist, you can add multiple criteria by pressing the "+" button at the right of the criteria line. For instance, I have a smart playlist for my least played music that I drop onto my Shuffle every once in a while:

    x Match all of the following rules:

    Play Count is in the range 0 to 1 - +

    Genre is not Books & Spoken - +

    Time is greater than 0:59 - +

    x Limit to 100 songs selected by random

    x Match only checked songs

    x Live updating

    If I also wanted to remove the Audiobooks genre, I would press the "+" at the end of the "Genre is not Books & Spoken" line (though I could press the "+" at the end of any of the three lines), and fill in the new rule to match: "Genre is not Audiobooks."

    I don't have any video in my library, so I can't answer your other two questions, but I hope that I've at least been helpful on your first question.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Sadly there's not a Music video section, this puzzles me too, the Music videos don't even go into the movie library which I think they should, as you don't want to shuffle through a music video when your on shuffle.

    Make Smart Playlist, add rules;

    1. Date Added - is after - (the day before you want)

    2. Genre - is not - Audiobook

    3. Genre - is not - TV Show

    4. Genre - is not - Movie

    5. Genre - is not - Video


    As for tagging videos, you could right click on the video, get info, then put some info in the composer pane, which wont appear in iTuness, but will be searchable in the search box.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by AgNuke1707 View Post

    3) Is there a better way for me to tag movies? Right now all I can really enter is the title and year, and that is done in the audio tagging section. If I have a TV show, I can tag the season, show, episode ID and the epiusode #, but why don't I have video tagging options for Movies or Music videos?

    Right Click (or Control Click) on the category bar in iTunes to add/remove tags (a contextual menu will pop up with plenty of tags to chose from). I use the "comments" tag to add info that I use in creating smart playlists.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Thanks for all the help. That helped me fix MOST of my problems! I do feel slight dumb for not realizing I could use one rule more than once, as in the case of Genre, etc. Oh well, now if we could only find a better way to sort out the music videos, then I'd be all set!
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