How to save YouTube videos to your HD

in General Discussion edited January 2014

I thought some of you would appreciate it.

This also works with Dailymotion - those who don't know it yet should check it out (and actually watch a video), you will be pleasantly surprised. Hint: zoom.

When watching a video in Safari, open the Activity window (Window>Activity) and look for a file that's noticeably larger than the others. That's the actual video file - double-click on it, and Safari starts downloading. You should now close the YouTube window, or else the file will be downloaded twice, once within Safari and once to wherever your downloaded files normally go. That won't make much of a difference on YouTube, since downloads there seem to be limited to around 60kB per second; but Dailymotion goes faster.

After the download has finished, rename the file .flv if it isn't already, and use iSquint or VisualHub to convert it to MPEG-4. Once done, you can import it to iTunes and sync it to your iPod, or just throw it at Quicktime Player.

Btw, even if you only want to watch it on your Mac, you should still use iSquint's 'optimize for iPod' setting. This seems to affect mostly resolution (= filesize), and those .flv's are only 320x240, anyway.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    rnprnp Posts: 11member
    Thanks for the tips. I didn't even know it was possible to download YouTube videos and have never used the Activity window before. It can be annoying sometimes when I want to show a friend some video clip I saw on YouTube but do not have an internet connection at the time - now I can just download it and have it ready the next time I see them.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Use TubeSock... it automatically downloads, converts, and if they like, then imports the video into iTunes. A godsend, truely.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
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