Are there more features to the Iphone that we havent seen?

in iPhone edited January 2014
I cant remember where I read it but it was an article and the jist of it was that the keynote in San Fransisco was only a demo and there are still quite a few features of the iphone yet to be shown to us.

Is this true? If so are they likely to be as big features as we were orst introduced to? Will there be more gestures "pinch ect..."?



  • Reply 1 of 8
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    It's likely that only a subset of the iPhone's features made the list of priorities for the keynote presentation. Obviously the big features were shown to get the wow from the audience (phone, music, web browser), but there just wasn't time to go into all of the details.

    You will hear a lot of people lamenting that the iPod won't be able to open pdfs or Word documents, when there is no reason to conclude that this is the case. We definately know that the iPhone won't feature 3G tech and will only have a 2MP camera (as if anyone needs more than 2MP on a phone!), but the rest is sheer speculation. But you shouldn't expect that any of the features that didn't make the keynote will be earth-shattering.

    It's possible that Apple's holding out for another big wow on release, but it seems more likely that any unannounced features are just the sort that you would expect on a smart-phone (or feature-phone, if you prefer).
  • Reply 2 of 8
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    There has been some speculation that the iPhone will have some kind of GPS software and possible hardware capabilities. Live traffic updates overlaid on google maps is almost a given. Steve mentioned this very briefly in his keynote.

    Seeing as the iPhone runs OSX, I think we will see a lot from it after the first 6-8 months. 3rd party aps, VoIP, a better camera and 3G.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    rongoldrongold Posts: 302member
    I have to disagree.

    Steve talked about the iPhone interfacing with other online services like Yahoo and Google. Don't you think Apple will have an incredible tie-in to .Mac besting the services from Google and Yahoo? Why would they sell a phone that works with other services better than their own? This will sell more .Mac subscription services with just a relatively small amount of work.

    Steve also talked about the iPhone integrating with a couple specific Microsoft applications as well as Microsoft Exchange Server (albeit, probably limited). Don't you think Apple will integrate the iPhone with Leopard to a greater degree than they will be with Microsoft Windows? You better believe it.

    So there are 2 potentially impressive features, unannounced at this point: integration with .Mac services, which will increase the value of each product individually as a result AND integration with Leopard.

    One other thing that no one has mentioned — since I am posting I figure what better place to bring it up than here. Apple has said that the iPhone will have internet access via wi-fi as well as through Cingular's 2.5G data service. But what is to promote and entice people to sign up for Cingular's data service?

    Well, I will tell you! OK, I'm not in the know so I cannot say this with 100% certainty, BUT...

    For those that don't have a computer in order to purchase music from iTS or for those that want to be able to purchase music from iTS while mobile and out on the town cavorting with friends, Apple will provide the iPhone with a version of iTunes. This iPhone version of iTunes (just like the desktop version) requires access to the internet but the access must be through iTunes. It cannot be through a browser; therefore, the use will be restricted to Cingular's paid data service. Doesn't it make sense that Apple will have a version of iTunes on the iPhone that uses Cingular's data service. This would make Cingular very happy.

    And certain tie-ins with Apple's .Mac service might be provided in this same manner — making Apple money and Cingular too.

    But this is just logical speculation that has not yet been... speculated on... or announced.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    What about an RSS reader? I dident see an RSS button in Safari on the iPhone.

    I realy hope that it has one.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Originally Posted by Cube View Post

    What about an RSS reader? I dident see an RSS button in Safari on the iPhone.

    I realy hope that it has one.

    I wonder if getting RSS feeds would be that useful in a phone?

    Besides, that's really where you need third party support. If it doesn't sync with my NetNewsWire, it's not going to get used very much.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    ebrunnebrunn Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by Cube View Post

    What about an RSS reader? I dident see an RSS button in Safari on the iPhone.

    I realy hope that it has one.

    when did you get to play with the iPhone and make the judgment that it dosent have RSS? Because you didnt see a RSS button in a prototype version in a Key Note speach?

    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    I wonder if getting RSS feeds would be that useful in a phone?

    Besides, that's really where you need third party support. If it doesn't sync with my NetNewsWire, it's not going to get used very much.

    It would be useful on the iPhone for places where you didnt have wi-fi and have to use edge. If you had a rss reader with all your news and whatever feeds, you wouldn't have to go load up each website to check your news. You would see the top stories and pick and choose which one you wanted more info on.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Are there more features to the Iphone that we havent seen?

    Let's see;

    Handheld games machine.

    Apple TV Remote.

    Apple TV Games controller.

    GPS tracking etc.

    Oh, and eh.. limitless possibilities.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    bavlondon2bavlondon2 Posts: 694member
    Im hoping for some average video recording capabilities at the very least.
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