why Apple?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
i honestly don't understand. my wife bought a brand new mac. i own a dell.

her mac cannot 'read' email attachments from her friends...she forwards them to me

her mac cannot see jpeg files that i put on a disc

when taking tests from her online class, she has to use my dell, since that's the only way it works

does she have to take classes or buy a bunch of microsoft pgms? it seems like she paid twice the price for half the capabilities


  • Reply 1 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    She doesn't know how. I've no problems reading attachments and looking at JPEGS. Once she figures it out ( JPEG I don't understand, that doesn't require anything) you'll wish you had a Mac. My guess is that neither of you know what you're doing.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    @_@ artman@_@ artman Posts: 5,231member
    Originally Posted by B'more View Post

    her mac cannot 'read' email attachments from her friends...she forwards them to me

    Not Apple's fault. Probably the email client she uses. Need more details here.


    her mac cannot see jpeg files that i put on a disc

    Still see no reason for this to be Apple's fault. Apple comes with Preview and iPhoto the latter being very good in handling digital photos. Also seems what you may be using to copy .jpegs onto CD.


    when taking tests from her online class, she has to use my dell, since that's the only way it works

    Again, not Apple's fault. It is the online web site's fault that it doesn't comply with standards. With Apple becoming more prevalent (22 million on OS X) they should realize the market they are missing.


    does she have to take classes or buy a bunch of microsoft pgms? it seems like she paid twice the price for half the capabilities

    If her new Mac is an Intel then maybe Boot Camp (and your Windows XP I believe) is a solution. Then she can run both on the same machine.

    You should elaborate more in detail what software and issues are occurring. Then we all can probably help you out. With any transition there will be humps.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    wircwirc Posts: 302member
    I'm gonna try to help, but I think you are not being open to the platform and are in ignorance of the root causes of these problems.

    1. What kind of attachments? Word documents. Windows Media files? I'm sure Apple Mail is fine, the issue is with what is being sent to her. There are free ways of getting around MS.

    2. Most Windows burners optimize the files for Windows computers. You have to make sure this is not so before you do anything. I have never had a problem going from Mac to WIndows.

    3. There are a plethora of web browsers beside safari for Macs, including Firefox. If the school refuses to use anything beside Internet Explorer, then they are seriously behind the times. IE 7 is still not up to par with any other browser, while Safari is probably the best browser around.

    4. To me, this sounds like, "Of course the computer that is different has to be the problem. It's not possibly because a near-monopoly convicted of noncompetitive behavior made no effort to accept international standards, open source projects, and deliberately tried to cut out access for some competitors."
  • Reply 4 of 10
    ricksbrainricksbrain Posts: 517member
    Need more info, B'More. How are you now trying to accomplish those tasks?
  • Reply 5 of 10
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    My sister said she was buying a computer over a year ago, so she asked me what one? She has no clue about any platform at all, she's pretty much computer illiterate. I got her to get an iMac. She never had any problems with it. Unbeknownst to mee she just recently bought a printer with her friend for her house, which her friend helped her install. After several hours they gave up trying to install it. Her friend said why didn't you get a Windows cumputer, that apple is way to hard to use. Eventually my mother told me Clodagh said she's thinking about getting rid of her iMac for PC, I rang her and I said what's up? She said that computer is too hard to use, and that it doesn't even have a control panel. I went out to her house. Firstly I told her you've no paper in your printer. Then I said where are those drivers you installed? On the desktop she said. I quicktly dragged them into the trash, turned on the printer, and tried to print something. A drop down messsage said "You've no printer selected". She said now look that's the message we were seeing!!?? I said so select a printer, I pressed the drop down menu selsected Epson, tried to print, and hey-presto the damn thing worked.

    I'm not saying your stupid B'more, but I always wonder how I never had these problems myself.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member
    the email thing...

    what are the attahcments. if she does not have the appropriate program to open them, whe won't be able to - just like Pcs cannot when they don't have the right program. no issue there.

    As far as the jpeg deal...

    Are you copying the JPegs to CD or jsut the shortcuts to them?
  • Reply 7 of 10
    skatmanskatman Posts: 609member
    Hmm... and I thought with Mac "it just works!"
  • Reply 8 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by skatman View Post

    Hmm... and I thought with Mac "it just works!"

    Does for me.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    People just have to unlearn the complicated crap that is windows first. See Windows is like a bad flavored blowpop. The only good part is the gum inside, but you have to go through the bad outside to get to it. Mac is just plain good ol' gum. Nothing stopping you from getting to it.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    mrsinmrsin Posts: 163member
    Originally Posted by skatman View Post

    Hmm... and I thought with Mac "it just works!"

    Assuming one is willing to plug it in, replace consumables (put paper in), and if all else fails - read the instructions!




    Choose the one that does it for you - and have a nice day .
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