Apple TV capasity?

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
anyone who knows how many Apple TV a computer/mac can handle?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    According to iLounge, 5.


    (6) Secrets? Text strings within iTunes 7.1 suggest several previously unknown details about Apple TV. First, there is apparently a limit of five Apple TVs synchronized to one computer with iTunes. Additionally, there?s an unusual iTunes message warning that ?All existing games on the Apple TV (name) will be replaced with games from this iTunes library.? Before you get too excited about that discovery, we also noticed similar references to Nike + iPod and Voice Memos on Apple TV as well - strings of text that may never be used by the program, and simply be duplicates of synchronization messages that pop up when an iPod or iPod nano is connected. As always, we?ll have to wait and see what Apple actually does in the future.

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