A Finder Question for Leopard Developers
I've been using Path Finder recently. I have found it to be an excellent OSX application, compensating nicely for many of the items lacking in the basic Finder (OSX's weakest feature IMO).
For any Leopard developers out there, can you say whether the Finder has been upgraded? If so, does it compare to or exceed the capabilities of Path Finder?
For any Leopard developers out there, can you say whether the Finder has been upgraded? If so, does it compare to or exceed the capabilities of Path Finder?
I agree, finder is poo as it stands, but you're not going to get a squeek out of any Leopard developers. If you do, I'll fire them myself!
Duh! My Bad. Stupid question. Of course, no Leopard Developer is going to comment on the existence (or not) of a new Finder. In the words of the immortal Roseanne Rosannadanna--Nevermind.