Powerbook: Clicking Sound/OS Won't Load

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Well, before I begin, here are the specs of the laptop...

15" Aluminum G4 Powerbook

1.33 Ghz, 256mb RAM

About a month ago, the laptop was making a slightly weird clicking sound from under the trackpad but thought nothing of it -- thinking it was just the hard drive. However, a few weeks later, I turned on the laptop and all I could hear was a really hard grinding/clicking sound and a big grayish blue screen (like before the OSX symbol shows up to load). I immediately turned it off, and tried to turn it back on... but this time, a more faint clicking sound came from the same location but the same grayish blue screen appeared and the OS did not load.

Now, I believe the hard drive simply gave up on me and I'd need a new one... but of course, that's just a hunch and I'm not a technician. If anyone else could provide their insight as to the situation, it'd be great.


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    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,025member
    Originally Posted by tkato86 View Post

    Well, before I begin, here are the specs of the laptop...

    15" Aluminum G4 Powerbook

    1.33 Ghz, 256mb RAM

    About a month ago, the laptop was making a slightly weird clicking sound from under the trackpad but thought nothing of it -- thinking it was just the hard drive. However, a few weeks later, I turned on the laptop and all I could hear was a really hard grinding/clicking sound and a big grayish blue screen (like before the OSX symbol shows up to load). I immediately turned it off, and tried to turn it back on... but this time, a more faint clicking sound came from the same location but the same grayish blue screen appeared and the OS did not load.

    Now, I believe the hard drive simply gave up on me and I'd need a new one... but of course, that's just a hunch and I'm not a technician. If anyone else could provide their insight as to the situation, it'd be great.

    It's the hard drive. Slow and quiet click of death.
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