
in macOS edited January 2014
Hey, I need help. I have to find the mac equivalent of Microsoft Publisher. My dad is always telling me to get it, but I can't find it anywhere. Is there any programs that d the same thing. I need it to make flyers.




  • Reply 1 of 10
    Try Pages!
  • Reply 2 of 10
    I always thought publisher kind of sucks.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Pages is a good suggestion.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    I wouldn't buy Pages until the reportedly much improved new version comes out, which (if '07 still has any meaning) should be any week now. Or month?

    Also, Swift Publisher looks pretty cool.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    That's a good point Hobbes. If one can wait it would probably be wise to do so at this point.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    zfmtzfmt Posts: 53member
    alright. thanks.

    i havent had much luck with the pages 06. ill check out swift maybe it'll do the job untill pages 07
  • Reply 7 of 10
    What exactly is it that Pages isn't doing for you?

    It is pretty good and I use it to put together all sorts of professional documents from business cards to employee training manuals to catalogues, not to mention my rather complicated teaching materials, pamphlets and DVD case covers. It is linked with my iPhoto library (which is huge) so it saves me tons of time importing images (only legal docs come off of my printer without images!).

    I have Adobe InDesign, but it is now only used for a few files I haven't bothered to transfer over yet.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Agree with Berg. It's so easy to add pics to your documents that it's a no brainer. Integrates nicely with iPhoto. For flyers it should work very well.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    If he / you will want it to play nice with Publisher ? good luck!

    Nothing plays well with Publisher, other then Publisher. It has been known to crash Mac's (I'm published on that statement!)

    Here and MANY companies we deal with WILL NOT except Publisher files, because of the problems it will cause when trying to work / load them onto a Mac.


    Originally Posted by zfmt View Post

    Hey, I need help. I have to find the mac equivalent of Microsoft Publisher. My dad is always telling me to get it, but I can't find it anywhere. Is there any programs that d the same thing. I need it to make flyers.



  • Reply 10 of 10
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post


    Here and MANY companies we deal with WILL NOT except Publisher files, because of the problems it will cause when trying to work / load them onto a Mac.


    I am not aware of any Mac app which will read Publisher files. What do you use?
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