Lost File?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello everyone, its been about a month since i lasted posted, its good to be back.

I got the beta of VMWare Fusion to try out, so i installed Ubuntu in it and started playing around. I meant to save the config file and the virtual hard drive to an old iPod i have to save disk space, but somehow, the directory got screwed up so it accidentally saved to "/Volumes/Ubuntu/External HD/Ubuntu.vmx". I dont think thats right because i dont have a volume called Ubuntu, the iPod's name is External HD. I tried spotlighting for the folder; no luck. Can someone tell me how to find the files? It takes up like 3Gb and i want to delete this virtual machine as i am ready to move on to Fedora for my next bit of tinkering.

Thanks for any help,



  • Reply 1 of 5
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Originally Posted by sthiede View Post

    I meant to save the config file and the virtual hard drive to an old iPod i have to save disk space, but somehow, the directory got screwed up so it accidentally saved to "/Volumes/Ubuntu/External HD/Ubuntu.vmx". I dont think thats right because i dont have a volume called Ubuntu, the iPod's name is External HD. I tried spotlighting for the folder; no luck. Can someone tell me how to find the files? It takes up like 3Gb and i want to delete this virtual machine as i am ready to move on to Fedora for my next bit of tinkering.

    You could use the Terminal to look for it. You'll see everything from there.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by AquaMac View Post

    You could use the Terminal to look for it. You'll see everything from there.

    how can i do that? i hardly ever work in the terminal at all, practically never. only time ive been in terminal was in linux and i was following a wiki the whole time.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    also, in addition to my other problem, i now cant delete one of the VMWare Folders because some its contents are in use, even though the app is closed. im afraid to stop the processes because they are under root. any suggestions?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,514moderator
    Use the Finder Go menu and use Go To Folder. Type in /Volumes and hit return. Spotlight doesn't index that folder so it wouldn't find it. Don't worry about killing root apps if you know they are 3rd party apps. Also, you can often just secure delete to get rid of stuff that is in use.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    Thank you so much Marvin! Honestly that worked like a charm.
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