WiMAX ??? Mobile Broadband and Wireless Networks ??? HSDPA ???

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What is WiMAX? When will it be here?

If I'm going to use a Mobile Broadband Card, do I need to worry about the Wireless Network (802.11) capabilities? This also brings up HSDPA. What is it?

The reason I am asking in the Future Hardware site is because I'm waiting for Santa Rosa and Leopard, and trying to find out exactly what I'm waiting for. Can anyone help me, or lead me in the right direction?

The following excerpt was taken from an article posted October 3, 2006:


Santa Rosa Introduces 802.11n

"I first want to touch on our Kedron, 802.11a/g/n technology," stated Perlmutter. "This is supporting or compatible with the draft of 802.11n standard. It delivers 300 Megabits per second. This is 5X throughput and close to 30X better than our first generation Centrino platform."

"This is really 2X3 MIMO technology, two transmitters, three receivers that we have that really enhances the signal and does a lot of [wandering] digital processing to really be able to transmit and receive these wonderful rates."

Perlmutter went on to announce that Intel will integrate Nokia's HSDPA wideband CDMA technology to deliver wireless WAN solution inside the Santa Rosa platform.

WiMAX: The Crown Jewel

While the Santa Rosa platform will provide a great interim wireless solution, most await the arrival of WiMAX. Perlmutter began this segment by stating "but the jewel of the crown in wireless connectivity is WiMAX. This is what we see as the global high speed data wireless connection. We're going to have mobile WiMAX cards that support all of the ranges of frequencies from 2.5 to 3.3 to 3.5 GHz really supporting wireless spectrums available in the countries in the world. This is supported by our Ofer-R radio that really supports all of these frequencies and we're going to take this technology into the future supporting next generation WiMAX and we're also going to integrate Wi-Fi and WiMAX together in our 2008 platforms to really deliver WiMAX into the masses?"

"And, last but not least, we have started with Rosedale our fixed WiMAX technology. This is going to deliver and be able to allow and support 802.16d. We're going to launch a new product, Rosedale 2, which is supporting dynamic switching between 802.16d, which is the fixed WiMAX into the 802.16e which is the mobile WiMAX. This is going to be done by a software release. And service providers who are building fixed WiMAX networks today, could switch later on, their system, their network and also the CPs built around Rosedale 2 by a software release over the year to support the mobile solution. And this network could later on support Centrino mobile technology."

Closing Thoughts

While there's little doubt that we'll see Apple's 2007 notebooks taking full advantage of all of the new features that Intel's new Santa Rosa platform will provide, I still say that most mobile warriors around the globe are drooling for the day when WiMAX finally arrives in true mobile form and fully integrated into notebooks in 2008 as Perlmutter presented.

Yet, as some of you may have recently read, there's been some talk over at Motorola that they're skipping the 802.16d WiMAX phase altogether and leaping right to 802.16e by early to mid 2007. So if you consider the fact that Intel is almost a year ahead of schedule in delivering their new quad-core CPU's to market, you have to wonder if Intel is likewise planning to stun the market by rolling out their newly integrated 802.16e solutions by the time that IDF Fall 2007 rolls around. Yet perhaps that could be just a little hopeful thinking

At the end of the day, it's Perlmutter's characterization of Mobile WiMAX being the Crown Jewel of wireless connectivity that stood out most. It truly captured how both the industry and the computer enthusiast alike view the importance of this breakthrough technology.

In my opinion, if we're ever to see a communications based iPod-like device from Apple come to market, then 802.16e is certainly one of the keys in seeing that come to be. In the shorter term however, we could always look forward to Apple's hardware line-up, including their new iTV device, adopting fixed WiMAX in the second half of 2007.
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