Unix: Help finding/moving invisible files with the command line

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I recently agreed to sell my Powerbook and backep up all of my files to an external drive.

I wanted to copy some of the backep up music files onto my Macbook, so I chose one of the music folders in the external hard drive and dragged it onto the Macbook. The progress bar indicated that the files, about 4Gbs, were copied, and the total amount of free hard drive space decreased by that amount, however, when I clicked on the folder in the finder, all of the files were there but were esseantially empty. The same goes for the folder in the external drive.

I erased the whole folder from the Macbook (containing about 30 albums) and emptied the trash, but the finder did not show an increase for the 4 gigs that I erased.

None of the files appear in Spotlight or the Finder but I opened the command line to see why the space was still being used up.

1. ls -RS -l showed that the files are in /./Volumes//Back-up 1/Mozart

I thought that this was weird because the name of the external drive was "Back-up", not "Back-up 1".

2. du -h /./Volumes//Back-up 1/Mozart: all of the Mozart albums and songs that I copied are in this volume.

For example, the info for one of the albums is:

/./Volumes//Back-up 1/Mozart/Symphony27

total 153440

-rw-r--r-- 1 CG admin 9267244 Apr 8 21:06 Symphony27 - 05 - Intro.mp3

The total size of the file indicates that the albums are actually there and taking up space.

However, when I tried to move or copy the files (mv and cp commands), the command line returned an error that volume "Back-up 1" does not exist, but "Back-up" does.

ls /./Volumes// returns the following:

Back-up Back-up 1 Back-up 2 Macintosh HD

I can cd to "back-up" and see that the files are in the #1 volume.

"Back-up" was the name of the external drive, and Back-up 1 is the volume that actually contains the files. I can get info on the volume through the ls and find commands, but the volume is not recognized when I try to actually manipulate the files.

If this were a permissions problem (permissions for Back-up 1 -rw-r--r--) wouldn't the command line would say so instead of completely failing to recognize the volume?

So where the hell are these files? I haven't tried to rm /./Volumes//Back-up 1/Mozart to see if that works, because at the very least, I would like to have the 4gbs of space back.

Any ideas? How can I find where these files are stored (1) in the external hard drive (2) on the MacBook's drive?

Hope all of this made sense.

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