How to make my new Nokia 6300 talk to my Mac?

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in macOS edited January 2014

I had a Sony Ericsson W550i till today and I was immensely impressed by the fact that I could use it as an external drive or a modem and could synchronise my contact list and calendar to it without using any external software.

However, the phone did not have EDGE, so I bought a Nokia 6300 today. But to my disappointment, it seems that it is impossible to either synchronise the phone with my Mac or use it as a modem. iSync, even in its latest version, does not support my phone and I just cannot connect to the Internet using it.

Is there any solution to this?

Thank you!


  • Reply 1 of 7
    Looks like your phone isn't compatible with OSX. Here's a list of devices that do work:

    Maybe you should trade yours for one of the above...
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    aryayusharyayush Posts: 191member
    You know what, I love Apple! So much that if I had been the creative type, I would have written poetry on them.

    Since Mac OS X wasn't allowing me to connect to the Internet using my 6300, I went ahead and did something I had hoped to avoid - I installed Vista using Boot Camp. Of course, there isn't any way of using a phone as a modem in Windows by default. So I had to install Nokia PC suite which, I have to accept, made the process of connecting to the Internet quite simple. But for some strange reason, the PC suite would randomly stop detecting my phone and I had to keep re-installing the software again and again. First of all, I was forced to use an idiotic interface forced down my throat by Microsoft and then having to face this weird behaviour drove me nuts.

    I booted into Mac OS X and turned bluetooth on. I then accidentally clicked on the bluetooth button in the menu bar again and there was this option that said "Join Network on Aayush's Nokia 6300":

    I clicked on it and lo, I was connected. WOW! That was quick. So basically, all I need to do to is set up a mobile phone as a device on my Mac once and then click on that option whenever I want to connect. Also, I can open up my Address Book, click on the bluetooth button and then send a text message to any contact in the list. No third party software required at all.

    I still cannot synchronise my contacts but it's a start. Hopefully I'll be able to find some patch or something for iSync that lets me synchronise my contacts. But be that as it may, I am still extremely impressed with Mac OS X and Apple and it is times like these that make me wonder how the majority of people in the world can be dumb enough to allow themselves never to experience Mac OS X.

    P.S. - FWIW, I cannot synchronise my contacts on Vista using the Nokia PC suite either.
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    I found this guide on how to make the 6300 work in iSync:
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    aryayusharyayush Posts: 191member
    WOW! Thanks, dude! I hadn't even known that you had posted a reply.

    Anyway, I visited this thread again today to post how I fixed my problem. All I did was use the iSync phone plugins for Mac OS X by nova media. It cost me some money, but it did the job perfectly without having to mess around with text files.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    No need to pay for the plugin: Free Nokia 6300 iSync plugin ( )

    Originally Posted by aryayush View Post

    WOW! Thanks, dude! I hadn't even known that you had posted a reply.

    Anyway, I visited this thread again today to post how I fixed my problem. All I did was use the iSync phone plugins for Mac OS X by nova media. It cost me some money, but it did the job perfectly without having to mess around with text files.

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  • Reply 6 of 7
    Hi. I'm a newly converted Mac user and can say...I'LL NEVER GO BACK TO A PC!!! Particularly Vista. However, I am finding it difficult to connect to Edge with my Nokia 6300. I followed Aryayushi's instructions and sure enough, when clicking on the Bluetooth icon, there was my phone that I had recently added. When I clicked on it and then Join Nokia 6300 Network, an error window came up saying the connection failed..."Be sure your device is connected." I can see from the phone that it connects, but it appears the phone connects and then disconnects.

    Do you think this is a Mac set up issue or do you think it is a Network provider issue?

    HELP...I am often found in situations where my teaching sites are lacking WiFi or connections and accessing the net is necessary.

    Also, do I need to install Nokia PC suite? I'm guessing not since this is not a PC and am wondering if there is a FREE Mac version of the PC Suite.

    Thanks for any help
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    Using isync, you can only backup and sync your phone if it's near your computer. Syncfony talks to your Mac much in the same way, MobileMe makes your Mac talk to your iPhone: over-the-air. All syncing is done via the Internet as opposed to via Bluetooth or cable.

    Syncfony supports more Nokia phones than Apple's iSync does because its syncing service is not related to Bluetooth. I'm pretty sure they support 6300.
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