
in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi All-

I manage the network for our family business - about 21 computers. Anyways, we are running all Dell's, and I'm looking into start buying iMacs and running boot camp and installing xp pro. Is anyone doing this, do all windows programs run without error?

Please fill me in on your thoughts / experiences. Thanks!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member
    Originally Posted by mattss View Post

    Hi All-

    I manage the network for our family business - about 21 computers. Anyways, we are running all Dell's, and I'm looking into start buying iMacs and running boot camp and installing xp pro. Is anyone doing this, do all windows programs run without error?

    Please fill me in on your thoughts / experiences. Thanks!

    A Mac with Windows XP via Bootcamp is the best Windows PC money can buy. It is no different than running Windows on your Dell, so YES! Everything will work. (I run Bootcamp, VMWare and Parallels, and everything I've tried works flawlessly in all) You get the added benefit of running Mac OSX; the only downside to that is that it may put you out of a job. OSX is so easy, reliable, enjoyable and productive that you're family may not need a network manager anymore.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by mattss View Post

    Hi All-

    I manage the network for our family business - about 21 computers. Anyways, we are running all Dell's, and I'm looking into start buying iMacs and running boot camp and installing xp pro. Is anyone doing this, do all windows programs run without error?

    Please fill me in on your thoughts / experiences. Thanks!

    Perhaps this article by an XP user/reviewer/switcher in Geardigest will be useful in making your decision
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