Getting around a NAT router to play games.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I live in an apartment while at college, and the Internet is an included utility. Unfortunately, the whole thing is behind a NAT router, which blocks a lot of incoming connections. My issue is that I want to play games like Warcraft 3 or WoW, but I can't for some reason because of the NAT router. I'm pretty annoyed, because I'd like to play those games, and I'm stuck in said apartment until May 2008. I don't have the username/password to the router in our apartment, so port-forwarding seems to be out. Is there any way around this that's free/very cheap and still good enough to allow gaming? I'm reluctant to go to another ISP, because that's like $25 a month, and I won't be here for a lot of the summer (wasting $75), and it's a year contract minimum.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    A lot of people don't bother to setup routers properly so firstly try the default password for the router. If your IP is then point your browser to i.e just change the end number of your IP to 1. If it shows the password box, try using admin as the password and possibly as username too. Sometimes the username is blank.

    If you do manage it and set up forwarding, you're going to have to give yourself a static IP so that the settings continue to work.

    Is it not possible to set the Warcraft games to use port 80?

    Other than that, there's not going to be an easy way round it. These measures exist so that people don't adversely affect the system e.g someone on a P2P network sucking up all the bandwidth like I used to do at uni .
  • Reply 2 of 2
    I've tried the username/password deal. I can access the router, but I don't have a username password combo (and it's changed from the default). I'm also worried that guess-hacking their router could get me in trouble.

    I tried setting it to Port 80, and lo-and-behold, same issue. It can't connect to the BattleNet server. My other reading suggests this is an issue with the NAT router.
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