Mandatory Massachusetts Health Insurance

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
See, now car insurance I can see makes sense. Driving is dangerous and people should be protected from my mistakes and I should be protected against their mistakes.

Now this mandatory health insurance not so much. I understand the uninsured cost hospitals alot with free care, but this goes over the line. Thank you Mitt Romney for bringing this on us.

It's only $200 a month, but that sure adds up for a family. The insurance isnt that great, it has something like a $2000 or $2500 deductible. Now only will someone have to pay $2400 a year, but another $2000 or so out for anything major. I guess my only option is to take (like many others) the $200 fine for not having it. A fine for not having health insurance, I cant believe the ridiculousness of saying that.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    You have a family but don't want any health insurance?
  • Reply 2 of 25
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    Brussel, having health insurance will be great, ofcourse it would. WIll you pay for it for me then?

    Seeing as you are likely not so inclined, such a decision should be left to the individual.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by MajorMatt View Post

    Brussel, having health insurance will be great, ofcourse it would. WIll you pay for it for me then?

    Seeing as you are likely not so inclined, such a decision should be left to the individual.

    If you are uninsured and seek medical help, others are ALREADY paying for it for you.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    skatmanskatman Posts: 609member
    US may have "won" the Cold War, but it didn't learn the lessons... lately I see more and more moves that the system in this country makes, which are the exact mistakes that Soviet Union made and the reasons why it collapsed.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    While I don't know anything about this plan, I would certainly think that with a family you would quickly get past the deductible. I certainly sympathize with your plight though. Even though I have been fortunate enough to have excellent health coverage I have had to spend a ton on my teeth. I can only imagine how quickly the medical bills pile up for a family.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    trick falltrick fall Posts: 1,271member
    You mean like corruption and too much spending on defense?
  • Reply 7 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by MajorMatt View Post

    Brussel, having health insurance will be great, ofcourse it would. WIll you pay for it for me then?

    Seeing as you are likely not so inclined, such a decision should be left to the individual.

    It's not just great to have health insurance, it's truly irrational not to have it. If you're too poor to have it, you can get coverage otherwise (e.g. Medicaid), in which case, yes, I am paying for it.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    It's insane for my choice to pay for doctor bills out of my own pocket?
  • Reply 9 of 25
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Health insurance is a scam to begin with. Over the past three years, I've had a corporate HMO. It was a very basic plan, but it cost more more to fund the HMO than would have cost in doctor bills. All of this includes the nasty wrist fracture that required two surgeries.

    Really, all I want is massive disaster insurance and to pocket the benefits my company is spending on me. But the system is broken and won't permit that. It's wild, because health insurance doesn't help the doctor profession (just ask one), the client, or the corporation issuing benefits. Yes folks, the people benefitting here are the usual gruesome twosome: insurance companies and lawyers. Two entities that have managed to bypass the honesty of the free market. Yech.
  • Reply 10 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by MajorMatt View Post

    It's insane for my choice to pay for doctor bills out of my own pocket?

    Insurance is not for covering things you can pay for out of your pocket. If you can afford to pay out of pocket for anything that might happen, you don't get it. That's why you should never buy extended warranties on small consumer items like computers and stereos. Insurance, especially health insurance, is for situations in which you can't pay for those things yourself. If a member of your family requires long hospitalization or expensive treatment, you won't be able to pay for it out of your pocket. That's why you get insurance. And if you really are wealthy enough to pay for anything that might arise, I don't understand why you're complaining about paying the premiums.
  • Reply 11 of 25
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    Oh, its for major medical events! I could never figure that out! Thanks for telling me, I thought it was for scraped knees and boo boos.

    Everything in life is a gamble, we try to minimize gambling as much as we'd like but sometimes we cant. I hate it when someone says, "I cant afford it" and the reply is, "You cant afford to not afford it!"

    I think you're ignoring one of the issues of how we're not allowed to make the decision now as it's mandated by the state. We're being forced to buy a $200/month insurance with $2500-$5000 monthly deductibles or face the fine.

    Yay for no choice!
  • Reply 12 of 25
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Insurance is not for covering things you can pay for out of your pocket. If you can afford to pay out of pocket for anything that might happen, you don't get it.

    I guess you're not familiar with contemporary health insurance policies.
  • Reply 13 of 25

    Are you aware that there are 45 million americans that earn too much to qualify for medicare but dont make enough money to afford to pay for health insurance. $200 per person for good health insurance is a lot for a family that only brings in 2000-3000 a month. If you make over 2 grand a month you dont qualify for medicare. Imagine paying almost half of your monthly income for health insurance that there are no garuntees that you will actually use.

    If it was such an easy fix why do you think its one of the top issues in the next presidential election?
  • Reply 14 of 25
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    While I agree with you, MacSuperiority, I have to question the people that have families and only earn 24-36k per year for the whole household.

    The whole world knows that I'm a libertarian and a social darwinian one at that, so I'm not sure why I made the above statement (I don't actually care), but I suppose I was trying to make the statement that it's futile to try to alter social habits or to expect nanny laws to work. There will be a lot of people breaking the law in massachusetts. I'm almost jaded now to the extent that I don't think the liberal, ruling literati care either. They just want everyone to think they are looking out for the common man, even though that's the least of concerns. Re-election is the concern. At least we social darwinists are honest when we say we don't care if people suffer.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Insurance is not for covering things you can pay for out of your pocket. If you can afford to pay out of pocket for anything that might happen, you don't get it. .

    I'm rich. Why, then, do I need to pay for car insurance?

    Moreover, (I'm not actually rich) why do most health insurance plans go totally against the logic you just stated? Have you been living on mars? I feel like that's where liberals must live, because they're so fucking out of touch with reality.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    I'm rich. Why, then, do I need to pay for car insurance?

    I'm guessing to lower the cost of car insurance for people who need coverage.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post


    Are you aware that there are 45 million americans that earn too much to qualify for medicare but dont make enough money to afford to pay for health insurance. $200 per person for good health insurance is a lot for a family that only brings in 2000-3000 a month. If you make over 2 grand a month you dont qualify for medicare. Imagine paying almost half of your monthly income for health insurance that there are no garuntees that you will actually use.

    Do you mean Medicaid? That's for low-income people. Medicare is for elderly people. And the rules are much more complex than what you suggest. There are varying levels of assistance depending on income. In any case, yes, I believe it is irrational for someone to have a family and not pay for health insurance. Lacking health insurance puts one's family at too much risk. Majormatt has said he can pay for doctor's bills out of pocket. My wife would kick my ass if I started talking stupid like that.
  • Reply 18 of 25
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    I'm rich. Why, then, do I need to pay for car insurance?

    Moreover, (I'm not actually rich) why do most health insurance plans go totally against the logic you just stated? Have you been living on mars? I feel like that's where liberals must live, because they're so fucking out of touch with reality.

    Haha, I like how I'm being called out of touch with reality by a self-procliamed libertarian. Are you being careful not to use those evil government zip codes like your brethren, Splinemodel?

    Majormatt said that he could pay his family's health costs out-of-pocket. Well, he'll do that anyway because of his deductible. The problem occurs if he runs into a serious problem and runs through his deductible. That's why he should have health insurance.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Originally Posted by skatman View Post

    US may have "won" the Cold War, but it didn't learn the lessons... lately I see more and more moves that the system in this country makes, which are the exact mistakes that Soviet Union made and the reasons why it collapsed.

    That is perhaps the mopst ignorant thing I've seen posted on AI. Ever.

    Please, enlighten us with your wisdom.
  • Reply 20 of 25
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Haha, I like how I'm being called out of touch with reality by a self-procliamed libertarian. Are you being careful not to use those evil government zip codes like your brethren, Splinemodel?

    Majormatt said that he could pay his family's health costs out-of-pocket. Well, he'll do that anyway because of his deductible. The problem occurs if he runs into a serious problem and runs through his deductible. That's why he should have health insurance.

    Seeing as how there is now scientific evidence that humans are inherently good, maybe libertarianism isn't so out of touch? Even so, the basis for Libertarianism is in abiding to natural processes, so I can't see how it's out of touch. It is in-touch by fiat. There's no crazy deduction going on here. Now, I realize that a lot of people are too arrogant to admit that they're wrong, so I won't ask anything of you, but as a self-professed liberal I can only expect pure irrationality and self-righteousness and ultimately avoidance.

    To reiterate, health insurance plans are no longer geared towards emergency usage. This is why you're out of touch. Instead of making ill-informed quips in a failed attempt to try to out-maneuver me (you won't), maybe you should actually do some research. I know that research, i.e. the study of fact, would be a crime against liberal rubrick, but maybe they'll make an exception just this once.
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