Unreal 2003..? Wrist ache...

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Well, I've just completed Unreal 2003 (on the PC...on average setting...)

My left hand is broke (no, note from that...) from playing 2003.

Decent framerates on Ati 8500 with 800x600 32bit settings.

There's no Capture or Attack the Fortress. Big, BIG disappointments.

...and the solo tourney ladder is only a few stages tall.

Ragdoll mechanics. Very good.

Weapons? Lack the kick and feel of Unreal Tourney I to me. The Rocket launcher aint a patch on the original. Targeting is a pain. Only 3 missile bays...boooh.

The perspective appears closer to the ground as if you are an ant or something...

The map design. A little uninspired. Bland and rehashed. Though the high in the sky Bombing Run Map is plain weird. There was one Bombing run map, the third that kept me playing for hours. That was cool. About the best challenge I had...

And where the hell is the head lathe? The one weapon you have fun with and...THEY TAKE IT AWAY!

Overall, I think the original is much better. The new graphics are crisper and it does have outdoor settings. But I think the original's design is heaps better.

I get the feeling these guys rushed the PC version out. It's all very bland compared to the inspired original...


Try before you buy the Mac version..?

It's a shadow of the original. Still, it'll be nice for the Mac to have this in Jan'? We gotta have the latest games, eh?

It all seems a bit Quake Penis Envy-ish...

Lemon Bon Bon


  • Reply 1 of 1
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    I play UT 2003 on my PC, and the single player game is okay, but if you beat it at any level it's boring at any other point. I don't remember the original UT too much, but are you talking about Capture the flag? There was a set of Capture the Flag levels to play. UT 2003 has a decent variety of games, the bombing run is probably my favorite, though some of the levels can take a while.

    The graphics are pretty good, not quite sure that I see the same things as many people have raved about, but it's still pretty good. I pretty much just play it online now all the time though, that's a lot more fun than the single player.

    The weapons were changed up a bit, from what I read online it was to make it more challenging, something about in the original UT you didn't have to aim very well to be able to frag people (don't remember UT so I don't know how accurate that is).

    Overall, it's a fun game, worth the $30 I paid for it. Heh, on to Neverwinter Nights now, waiting to start playing it when I get back to UF.
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