I have a bunch of old games cds (like Reader Rabbit and Jumpstart) that I used to use on my families old Mac, but now my siblings want to play the games, except they won't work.
Dont they just run when you click them? First it opens classic then the game comes up right away. Thats how it works at least for Dark Forces, 1995 on my old i-book. Havent tried it on my mac book pro yet but it shoudl work the same way, shouldent it?
You can also mount a disk image with the same name as the cd, copy the cd files onto it and run the new disk to play the game without a cd. Just go to utilities, disk utilities, mount image
What architecture are you on, PowerPC or Intel?
I have PPC so of course I use Classic when I can. But plan to get the new 24" iMac.
I have PPC so of course I use Classic when I can. But plan to get the new 24" iMac.
But make sure you understand the ROM stuff. You can actually run System 7 on it!
What architecture are you on, PowerPC or Intel?
Intel, but I guess I'll take Sherman's advice w/ the sheepshaver. Thanks
You can also mount a disk image with the same name as the cd, copy the cd files onto it and run the new disk to play the game without a cd. Just go to utilities, disk utilities, mount image