ATT confirms additional iPhone apps

in iPhone edited January 2014
Says T3:

AT&T, the iPhone?s sole provider in the US, has gone on record saying more Google apps in particular will be present on the handset.

Good news, if accurate, but they claim to be quoting Glens Lurie, ATT's president of national distribution, so it's a bit more than idle speculation.

Integration with Google Calendar and Reader would be great, Google Docs would go a long way toward satisfying the people who want to work with Word and Excel stuff.



  • Reply 1 of 5
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Says T3:

    AT&T, the iPhone?s sole provider in the US, has gone on record saying more Google apps in particular will be present on the handset.

    Good news, if accurate, but they claim to be quoting Glens Lurie, ATT's president of national distribution, so it's a bit more than idle speculation.

    Integration with Google Calendar and Reader would be great, Google Docs would go a long way toward satisfying the people who want to work with Word and Excel stuff.


    Can anyone confirm how well Google Docs & Calendar work on the iPhone / iPod Touch?

  • Reply 2 of 5
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    So the official way to get your app on the thing is to be a $10B+/yr company. Cute.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Can't these apps be accessed through Safari anyhow?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    beleybeley Posts: 30member
    Most Google apps have mobile versions too. Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Reader are very well optimized for the iPhone.

    I'd welcome a native Google Docs application that allowed local creation of docs and syncing with out computer AND Google Docs online. I'm sure something similar is in the works. We REALLY need docs and spreadsheets (and most importantly the ability to view/edit them from emails).
  • Reply 5 of 5
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by beley View Post

    I'd welcome a native Google Docs application that allowed local creation of docs and syncing with out computer AND Google Docs online. I'm sure something similar is in the works. We REALLY need docs and spreadsheets (and most importantly the ability to view/edit them from emails).

    Actually the absence of such features and the close relationship with Google does seem to make this likely.

    Didn't Apple buy a Data Centre recently - perhaps they plan to offer certain .mac services (like document syncing) as part of your AT&T/iPhone contract.


    I thought that mobile versions of web pages weren't required for iPhone apps(?)

    (sorry for all the questions - obviously I haven't seen an iPhone yet!)
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