Well I use CD-Stomper, their labels are really good quality and seem unlikely to peel off at a leter date. the glossey labels are really good with inkjets and I use the matt one with a colour laser.
i always thought this was something itunes should be handling...once you make a playlist to burn a CD, itunes could format that playlist data into a label... just an idea
My girlfriend has been using the discus software from <a href="http://www.magicmouse.com." target="_blank">www.magicmouse.com.</a>
Not extemely full featured but it does the trick pretty well, is easy to use and prints to all of the standard cd label kits (avery, et al).
Weird thing: We got the Imation Sonix label stomper thing at the Apple Store a while back ($10) and it uses the same software except it's crippled to only work with the Imation labels.
There's a free trial download available at versiontracker.
And YES! I AGREE, iTunes should handle that. It should even be able to pull pictures from your iPhoto list like the new iMovie can do for the Ken Burns effect.
Not extemely full featured but it does the trick pretty well, is easy to use and prints to all of the standard cd label kits (avery, et al).
Weird thing: We got the Imation Sonix label stomper thing at the Apple Store a while back ($10) and it uses the same software except it's crippled to only work with the Imation labels.
There's a free trial download available at versiontracker.
And YES! I AGREE, iTunes should handle that. It should even be able to pull pictures from your iPhoto list like the new iMovie can do for the Ken Burns effect.
[ 01-12-2003: Message edited by: seb ]</p>