idvd taking forever to encode

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hey there, one of my first posts.

I have quite a few videos in the .avi format that i would like to burn to DVD, besides the problem I have with apple's lack of support for .avi I can't seem to find a good format.

I have been using FFmpegX encoder to change the avi to .mov. Is there a file type that i can encode my .avi files in so that when i put it in to iDVD it won't take forever and a year (1x speed) to "asset encode" before it burns the resulting file. Or are there any general tips for making this step faster.

Let me know if I am not being specific enough


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    Originally Posted by whygohome10 View Post

    I have quite a few videos in the .avi format that i would like to burn to DVD, besides the problem I have with apple's lack of support for .avi I can't seem to find a good format.

    Should I presume these AVIs are not commercial movies downloaded illegally? I personally don't object to that but only for the purposes of previewing the movie where if you enjoy it, you should then buy the DVD and not just try to convert the AVIs to DVD hence never rewarding good film makers for their work. Screw over bad film makers all you want IMO.

    If you are talking about other movies then disregard that.

    Originally Posted by whygohome10 View Post

    I have been using FFmpegX encoder to change the avi to .mov. Is there a file type that i can encode my .avi files in so that when i put it in to iDVD it won't take forever and a year (1x speed) to "asset encode" before it burns the resulting file. Or are there any general tips for making this step faster.

    Let me know if I am not being specific enough

    You shouldn't do two conversions. You can convert straight to DVD in ffmpegX. You can actually author an image from it. If you want to make menus then you'd be better with something like DVD Studio Pro as it supports encoded mpeg-2 files. There is a way to get idvd to use them but it's not very good. Basically, you create a short movie with idvd and the menu system then replace the mpeg-2 file inside it with your movie.

    Visual Hub is a very good mpeg-2 encoder and I use it instead of ffmpegx. It encodes a whole DVD in about 15 minutes.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    Hey i purchased a copy of visual hub and am extremely satisfied

    thanks for the suggestion
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