Keychain problems

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in macOS edited January 2014
Hello. I hope you guys can help me with a keychain problem i am having

The other day, i created an encrypted sparsedisk image and when i created it, i accidentally forgot to uncheck the box to save the password in keychain. SO, i opened the keychain application and went to delete it. I have absolutely no clue what i did but i apparently deleted an entire keychain file. I do not care about the loss of the saved passwords but i am now unable to save any new passwords

I tried to create a new keychain but i still can't save passwords. I use FireFox so i haven't noticed it while browsing (FireFox doesn't use keychain) but programs such as Fetch cannot save a password.

Does anybody have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated. II am using 10.4.9 with all of the updates installed

Thanks for the help!

-Justin Winokur


  • Reply 1 of 4
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    If you go to the edit menu and keychain list, there should be two keychains. One has the name login and is located at /Users/<name>/Library/Keychains and one called system at /Library/Keychains. If either of these doesn't exist, try creating them.
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    jwink3101jwink3101 Posts: 739member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    If you go to the edit menu and keychain list, there should be two keychains. One has the name login and is located at /Users/<name>/Library/Keychains and one called system at /Library/Keychains. If either of these doesn't exist, try creating them.

    Both are there. One wasn't check so i tried checking it and it still didn't work. Any other ideas?
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  • Reply 3 of 4
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by Jwink3101 View Post

    Both are there. One wasn't check so i tried checking it and it still didn't work. Any other ideas?

    Have you tried verifying it? Keychain Access menu > Keychain First Aid. It will verify your Keychain to see if everything is ok. If it turns out to be ok, try logging in and out if you haven't tried that already.
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    jwink3101jwink3101 Posts: 739member
    First aid didn't do anything but i was p[laying around and selectedmy keychian as default. Then, i logged out and it all worked when i logged it. I do not know which thing did it but i do not care becuase it is working.

    Thanks guys
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