New Pro Apps... for developers

in Mac Software edited January 2014
OK, this is a developer's conference, right?

And has anyone noticed how lonely Aperture looks here:

All by its lonely little self in the "Pro Applications" category.

My guess is that Apple is going to introduce a series of pro apps to (eventually, but not yet) compete with Adobe's Creative Suite. OK, those aren't for "developers"--except for DreamWeaver.

What better way to start its new Pro suite than to create a pro version of the only app in iLife that needs one: iWeb. In other words a DreamWeaver competitor. Perfect for announcing at a developer's conference, no?

It might even have the beginnings of a Fireworks- or Photoshop-like app (that could also be used with Aperture, eventually) that (for now) specializes in web graphics, but eventually will be made into a Photoshop killer. But it would be completely dependent on Leopard and have a touch interface, so it wouldn't look anything like Photoshop.

Apple has always given away its developer tools (at least since I joined, with OS X), but it's time to monetize that market.
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