****Official Safari 3 Glitch Thread****

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
K, so i'll start off by saying once glitch i've found so far.

Minimized it to my explorer bar (explorer.exe bar thingy with the start menu ... ) when the window was maximized, and when i opened the window, it was in its minimized state.

keep em rolling.

edit: i just went to the applications forum and when i put my mouse on top of the link to my thread (this one) the little hand didn't come it was only the arrow but it worked for the others.


  • Reply 1 of 18
    m1911a1m1911a1 Posts: 24member
    Today I ran the uninstaller soley because the bookmarks menu may take up to one minute to open. Otherwise I like Safari 3...
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  • Reply 2 of 18
    spcmsspcms Posts: 407member
    Trying anything with bookmarks makes it crash. The bookmark icon, the dropdown, the short cut, anything. Other than that, it runs just fine. I'd wish (don't know what the behavior on a mac is) that it would highlight the complete url when you click (or at least when you double click) the adress bar. And I miss the history-dropdown from the adress bar as it exists in FF or IE.
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  • Reply 3 of 18
    It killed my custom Dock so I uninstalled it and neither ClearDock or Transparent Dock work anymore!

    I'm kinda irritated, I forgot how ugly I think the background is on the Dock.
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  • Reply 4 of 18
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,043member
    On Windows:

    I can't reply to my Comcast e-mail. I can view it but when I load the reply page it just doesn't load.

    I also can't import bookmarks. when I open the file, nothing happens. I guess I can try and manually insert the file into the Safari folder.

    I also notice that on my school network, Safari XP takes about 5-10 seconds to load the first page I navigate to, then it responds normally.

    So far, no major bugs with the Tiger version.
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  • Reply 5 of 18
    it's been working fine for me. no problems at all.
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  • Reply 6 of 18
    tkellytkelly Posts: 50member
    all the letters are screwed up. in the title bar, in the address bar, in the google search, in the actual web page itself. the letters are two letters after what its supposed to be.




    when copied and pasted into another application the letters aren't screwed up (in the other application)
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  • Reply 7 of 18
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    In Win XP Pro, trying to use a userContent.css file to block ads, Safari isnt handling it properly. All ads still appear. Same css file used on a Mac, all ads are gone.
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  • Reply 8 of 18
    danmacmandanmacman Posts: 773member
    Double post.
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  • Reply 9 of 18
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    from my office (windows XP) i cannot connect to internet, proxy settings button is disabled, no way to setup up proxies or anything.

    on windows Safari looks like some funny JAVA application than a browser, i know they try make it similar to Mac Safari/iTunes.

    Safari and iTunes are different. iTunes (juke box) can look different from standard windows.

    but my IMHO, safari should look similar to windows with better looks and specs and funtions.

    i do not know what other's think?
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  • Reply 10 of 18
    donebyleedonebylee Posts: 521member
    I like the way Safari looks on Win XP.

    The bugs I have discovered:
    • RSS doesn't correctly report the number of new articles

    • in RSS can't scroll using arrow keys or page up/down keys

    • doesn't recognize back key to return to previous page

    • no way to make links from other applications launch in a tab instead of in a new window...and yes I know there is a setting in preferences but it doesn't change the behavior on my machine

    • frequent crashes for no apparent reason

    • seems to have a problem with quicktime imbedded in some web pages, causes Safari to hang forcing a CtrlAltDel and a trip to Task Manager for a reset

    That's all I got for now.

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  • Reply 11 of 18
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,043member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    I like the way Safari looks on Win XP.

    The bugs I have discovered:
    • RSS doesn't correctly report the number of new articles

    • in RSS can't scroll using arrow keys or page up/down keys

    • doesn't recognize back key to return to previous page

    • no way to make links from other applications launch in a tab instead of in a new window...and yes I know there is a setting in preferences but it doesn't change the behavior on my machine

    • frequent crashes for no apparent reason

    • seems to have a problem with quicktime imbedded in some web pages, causes Safari to hang forcing a CtrlAltDel and a trip to Task Manager for a reset

    That's all I got for now.


    Seems to me that the XP version is very buggy. I've also had scrolling issues if I recall correctly. I think I mentioned that ctrl-click doesn't open tabs, even with that option turned on.
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  • Reply 12 of 18
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Safari now has 3.01 release for Windoze, will try that in office, Apple listening and turn around fast, hope that fixes proxy problem as well
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  • Reply 13 of 18
    donebyleedonebylee Posts: 521member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    I like the way Safari looks on Win XP.

    The bugs I have discovered:
    • RSS doesn't correctly report the number of new articles

    • in RSS can't scroll using arrow keys or page up/down keys

    • doesn't recognize back key to return to previous page

    • no way to make links from other applications launch in a tab instead of in a new window...and yes I know there is a setting in preferences but it doesn't change the behavior on my machine

    • frequent crashes for no apparent reason

    • seems to have a problem with quicktime imbedded in some web pages, causes Safari to hang forcing a CtrlAltDel and a trip to Task Manager for a reset

    That's all I got for now.


    Hmmm, I'm quoting myself.

    Anyway, here are a couple of updates on what I have found:
    • The problem with scrolling in the RSS page view is more bizarre than I originally reported: to wit, it will allow you to scroll using the arrow keys only when the cursor is in the search field (upper right of the RSS page). Otherwise, you are out of luck. No amount of experimentation would make the page up/down keys work.

    • The RSS only works with .xml feeds as far as reporting new articles. Atom and all others will update and show new articles only when you view the page.

    • I had posted that Safari seems to have a problem with quicktime embedded in pages. That is not true, it has a problem with Flash embedded in pages. Frequently this will cause the app to hang on my machine. Sorry for the incorrect report.

    And yes I have updated to 3.0.1 and nothing has changed. Although to be fair, this update only targeted the security problems that were widely reported. I really didn't expect anything to change this quickly.

    Hopefully, in a week or so we will see these and other reported problems being addressed as well.


    EDIT UPDATE: I have also discovered that Safari doesn't like AI's Forum options button. Click and it takes you to the bottom of the page instead of giving you options to mark the forum as read, etc... ahhhh, the pleasures of beta....
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  • Reply 14 of 18
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,043member
    Originally Posted by donebylee View Post

    Hmmm, I'm quoting myself.

    Anyway, here are a couple of updates on what I have found:
    • The problem with scrolling in the RSS page view is more bizarre than I originally reported: to wit, it will allow you to scroll using the arrow keys only when the cursor is in the search field (upper right of the RSS page). Otherwise, you are out of luck. No amount of experimentation would make the page up/down keys work.

    • The RSS only works with .xml feeds as far as reporting new articles. Atom and all others will update and show new articles only when you view the page.

    • I had posted that Safari seems to have a problem with quicktime embedded in pages. That is not true, it has a problem with Flash embedded in pages. Frequently this will cause the app to hang on my machine. Sorry for the incorrect report.

    And yes I have updated to 3.0.1 and nothing has changed. Although to be fair, this update only targeted the security problems that were widely reported. I really didn't expect anything to change this quickly.

    Hopefully, in a week or so we will see these and other reported problems being addressed as well.


    EDIT UPDATE: I have also discovered that Safari doesn't like AI's Forum options button. Click and it takes you to the bottom of the page instead of giving you options to mark the forum as read, etc... ahhhh, the pleasures of beta....

    Yeah, for me it's not ready for prime time, hence the fact it is still Beta. It still takes forever to load once launched. The first page hangs for at least 10 seconds. Today realized the HDD is spinning during that time, even though the app is open. It's got to be some kind of cache issue? I have no idea.

    Reasons why I can't use it right now, once again:

    -Can't reply to comcast webmail

    -Awful first page load time, every time I launch the browser

    -Hangs on AI posting sometimes...it posts but it looks like it hasn't and doesn't redirect automatically.

    -CTRL-click does not open a new tab.

    Those are all for the XP version. I am OK with the Mac version...very few issues. Also, nothing changed with the 3.0.1 update that I can tell.
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  • Reply 15 of 18
    Macintouch user reports confirm what I've found since installing Safari 3.0 beta: Mail won't quote the entire message when there is an attachment - it simply lists the attachment file name. The workaround is to select the text of the message.

    This occurs even when the proper preferences are checked.
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  • Reply 16 of 18

    when clicking the "remember my password and email" button on hotmail, the setting will not save.
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  • Reply 17 of 18
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    3.02 did addressed my proxy settings problem, now i can browse using safari from office!
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  • Reply 18 of 18
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    I didn't read thru these issues so I don't know if this has been mentioned but here is something that needs to be fixed:

    The Safari pull down menu of bookmarks is incredibly slow if you have lots of bookmarks like I do. It was slow in safari 2 but safari 3 is at least 7x slower.
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